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Rough cost of rending facade a la chaux?


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Apparently, it's loads of money.  We had a visit from a historian employed by the local region, who said 15k euros just to do the front of our house, approx. 15 metres long by 2 stories.  There may be grants to do this but I think they are means tested. Don't know where you live but we are in Dept. 50, the house is masse and has been concrete rendered at some time.  That would need to be chipped off, then they wait for the masse to dry out and then apply the chaux.  It looks wonderful on all the local houses that have been done.   I intend to address the issue once we have done all the other major jobs.
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Hello, we are about to render a cob house in 35 near Rennes with eduit de chaux. We intent to mix it ourselves and apply it by spraying it direct from the mixer. All the equipement can be rented locally to Rennes. When we have done this I shall let you know the costs per m2. Certainly quite inexpensive for the bricoler... Sand is 10-15euros per tonne Chaux 11-14euros per 35kg sack Hire charges and our own time. Removal of the old cement render was just time and the cement is to be recycled to create foundations.


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