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Idiot question - buying Fioul


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I am having central heating installed in my maison secondaire, and I am

off over there next Thursday to hand over a large cheque......

When you have ordered oil how long does it take to arrive?

It's my birthday at the weekend, and I'd like to be warm 'n' cosy rather than staring at an empty central heating system!!!!

Any help appreciated...although if you just like to annoy others by

telling the world how great you are, then that will be fine too.


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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

Ask your central heating installer to

order a full tank to be delivered on Thursday when you are there. 

He will need the oil in order to be able to commission the

system - before you hand over the large cheque.....[;-)]

 I was wondering about that - he couldn't commission it without oil could he?  Mmmmm.


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Even so, work out what you want to say (and what the likely answers might be) and give it a go you might be pleasantly surprised. If you keep a sense of humour, and apologise for your bad French, you should be able to get the message across. I tend to agree though, that living in France (even for holiday periods) with no French at all is - well, making life extremely difficult for yourself...

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Thanks for your help.  I don't actually spend all my time there,

and can get by - although debating which type of oil to have over the

phone might be quite tricky.

If you haven't got anything good to say - say nothing.

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[quote user="Dick Smith"]And you were given it!

I can guarantee you that this sort of response means you won't get it again.


No, I asked for places to buy fioul over the web, not a sermon about speaking perfect french.  Get back in your box buddy.

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[quote user="BQF"]

No, I asked for places to buy fioul over the web, not a sermon about speaking perfect french.  [/quote]

Come on! 

You didn't really ask that question at all, yet Sunday Driver quickly gave you the solution to the question you didn't ask.

While I sincerely wish you warmth, no one has given you a sermon about speaking perfect French.

You have made that up in your own head.


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Oh, what a nice man you are. You are right, it was an idiot question, but people gave you a sensible answer anyway. Did you say thanks? No. Did you insult the people who had tried to help you? Yes.

What a creep. You've even edited your original post so that your later rantings make sense!

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[quote user="BQF"][quote user="Sunday Driver"]

Ask your central heating installer to order a full tank to be delivered on Thursday when you are there.  He will need the oil in order to be able to commission the system - before you hand over the large cheque.....[;-)]

 I was wondering about that - he couldn't commission it without oil could he?  Mmmmm.


When we had our central heating installed the guy tested the system by putting in some oil that he brought with him for that purpose.We subsequently ordered  oil and it was delivered the next day.As it was being delivered our neighbour saw the lorry and just asked the driver there and then if there was enough to fill her tank as well, there was, so he did and we had a happy neighbour[:)]


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I'm assuming BQF's comments were pricipally directed at KenB's reply, which I did think was a little harsh.  However, it is not nice materially to alter your original post after people have replied.  You said there that your French was "rubbish". 

Most suppliers have two grades of domestic fuel, by the way - the consensus is that it is always worth going for the marginally more expensive "winter" or "superior" grade.

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Not sure where you nearest Auchan is, but they do fioul deliveries.  You can look up your nearest one online (www.auchan.fr) and contact them via email to determine their price and delivery schedule.  Not sure if you can pay them online though.  They will most likely want to know if your fioul tank is outdoors or indoors, such as in a tank under garage floor (like ours), etc.  It determines the type of fioul they deliver.  You may also be offered the choice of buying a "more refined" fioul at a higher price.  Other than that, it is pretty straight and simple.


Have a happy birthday, hope it will be warm and toasty.



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[quote user="BQF"]Hello
Any help appreciated...although if you just like to annoy others by telling the world how great you are, then that will be fine too.



Well, having just read this thread I thought the above statement was a little off - but to find out that he / she has altered the original post to make it seem that they are a great linguist rather than, as has been reported, that the original post said that they were rubbish at French, seems to be the post of someone not deserving help.


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Before this ends up in a 50 page slanging match...I really did ask for

internet fioul outlets, and merely said my French was 'rubbish' for

some 'colour'. 

I expected posts like the one from Lori (thank you for that - I'll try

Auchan) not ignorant ones like that of Ken B (loud raspberry to you).

When someone asks a question - it's not sensible to respond to other

information in the post.  I saw this with the guy who posted on

this forum, and asked about the right sort of blade for his chainsaw

-  he ended up having his ear chewed off by people calling him an

idiot for not knowing how to use a chainsaw......

I don't know what gets in peoples heads on messageboards - I really don't

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[quote user="Dick Smith"]Even so, work out what you want to say (and what the likely answers might be) and give it a go you might be pleasantly surprised. If you keep a sense of humour, and apologise for your bad French, you should be able to get the message across. I tend to agree though, that living in France (even for holiday periods) with no French at all is - well, making life extremely difficult for yourself...

When we first came to France, our boiler man got by explaining things by a system of whistles. It was hilarious as in "it goes in there (whistle down) and it comes up here (whistle up)".  It was quite fun to be spoken to in whistles and amazing how he could make himself understood. Bless him.

Now we have another boiler man who does not whistle but speaks very fast french and I can't understand a bloomin thing!!! ha ha



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