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Cost of Floor Boards


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Any ideas on a rough estimate per m2 for timber for floorboards. I am intending to remove three false ceilings and to replace the floorboards to be exposed. Would prefer to use reclaimed if possible, if not second choice would be new hard wood, but all depends on costs. Also does anywhere sell this timber pre-treated, or do you always have to treat yourself.


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I went to my local saw mills and was offered the choice of oak, sapin (pine) or douglas fir, cut to whatever thickness and width I required ( I had 18 by 120) and a nominal 5m in length.

 I chose the  cheapest (pine), it was delivered by fork lift truck the next day (with nice spacers to separate the boards. I stacked it for 6 months under black polythene to dry out and then sprayed it with Wickes wood preserver.

I laid them with the aid of car jacks to get a tight fit and then sanded the finished floors. Amazingly, they have turned out really well despite there being no tongue and groove.

Cost (in 2000) was 3600 Francs for 145 boards inc TVA. I never counted but there seemed to be many more boards than 145 when they were delivered

John Cox

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Hi Gabe - there are a couple of items (oak floorboards), plancher/parquet de chene on this ebay site. Both are for sale by the sq mtr.


Around here, in the Charente, reclaimed oak flooring is quite expensive, but I've been told it's cheaper than in the UK although we know of someone who brought a trailerload out! Although the bricos sell new floorboarding, I think John's suggestion is good about visiting you local sawmill. We've recently bought oak beams from a local mill and the service and prices were excellent.

John - car jacks?
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Thanks John & Zeb,

I think that, as desirable as it is, oak flooring is going to be too expensive. The advice on the saw mills is great though and will be taken. John, just one question, the Wickes preservative that you used, was that a bog standard wood preservative or was it specifically to counteract woodworm etc ?


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