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Joining to 100mm existing soil pipe


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I am trying to fit an additional toilet and have made all necessary connections / holes in floors etc. but now need to join the new soil pipe to the existing vertical soil pipe.

I have purchased the usual 67 point something or other T piece, but am looking for a way to connect this without having to cut and move the pipe up in order to slip the new piece over. ( This is because it is fixed in place through the ceiling with cement and then tiled around, and I would rather leave tiles in situ if possible.)

My question: is there an adapter to strap on / glue on which would allow this join to be done in situ? If so where can I get one? (Our house is in 31 about 40 miles south of Toulouse).

My son who renovates houses in UK assures me that there is such a beast in England for 110 mm soil pipes, which has 'wings' which fold around the old pipe and are cemented/glued in place. Can anyone offer advice please?


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[quote]I am trying to fit an additional toilet and have made all necessary connections / holes in floors etc. but now need to join the new soil pipe to the existing vertical soil pipe. I have purchased the ...[/quote]

The easiest way I have found is to get a "T" with 1 female & 1 male on the straight bit, cut the existing pipe out the length of the inside of the female end to end of the male, and join it to the soil pipe with a sliding coupler (ie the ones without internal stops). I have never seen 100mm strap-on's (oh errr...).

Works for me every time!


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