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Tax on renovation

Mustang sally

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Hi we have to have a new fosse fitted we have had a quote bit confused as to tax situation. Friends of ours had quote same time same fella they do not live here house needs total renovation & has no drainage at all. Ours has very basic ancient system tax quoted on theres 5.?  ours 19.? can anyone explain please


Desperate Lanarios need the loo!

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As far as I understand it from our bulder, we have an old house but no fosse, just a cess pit, so our fosse will be new and will have 19.6%TVA applied, if you have a fosse septique that needs replacing to comply with the new regulations, that is counted as restoration and provided the house is over 2 yearrs old and your principal residence it can attract a rate of 5.5% .......at the moment.  My builder is confident that the lower rate of TVA will be extended into 2006. I hope so.
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[quote]As far as I understand it from our bulder, we have an old house but no fosse, just a cess pit, so our fosse will be new and will have 19.6%TVA applied, if you have a fosse septique that needs replacin...[/quote]

However.... At the moment the VAT rate is going back to 19.6% and therefore, your builder must quote 19.6% if he thinks that the job will finish after 31st December. As Ron says,the rate may well stay at 5.5% (we all hope that it will, in common with most), but if he charges you 5.5% when he should have charged 19.6%, are you going to shell out the difference? I wouldn't!


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          just for info ......... S.V.L.  for those in this area they are now applying 2006 rules for  all  new fosse installation, geotext is no longer allowed between the bottom gravel layer and the sand ,you must use geo grille , it`s only €29,79 a metre @ 4mtr wide, basts . so all the kits in agri bati   brico mache... ect are now no good beware


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