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Zone d'Urbanisme RNU

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Can anybody tell me about what you can and/or cannot do in a zone RNU.

We are interested in a house within this zone d'urbanisme RNU, and possibly would want to create a couple of windows and maybe a velux aswell in the existing house.

If anyone has any information about this zone, this would be helpful.0

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If I've read things correctly a zone RNU is an area where the commune has not got its own POS (equivalent to a local development plan) so the national default rules for development apply. That means that there is no prima facie reason why you shouldn't get permission for a couple of windows. As usual, ask at your Mairie or the notaire acting for the sale.

When we bought our plot it came with a certificat d'urbanism (outline planning permission) and a copy of the local planning guidelines. Your Mairie will probably have a copy of the RNU rules. You can even make getting permission for alterations a condition in the compromis de vente.
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