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Times for houres creuses


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I need to find out what the exact creuses hours are for our house electricity supply. When we arrived an EDF chap came to upgrade the power as the house had been empty for over a year. When I asked him in stumbling French what the hours were, he wrote them on a piece of paper for me. These were 1.30 am to 7.30 am then 12.30 lunchtime to 2.30 pm. From then we have used these cheaper hours for washing machine etc.

However, we have been told by the plumber that the water softener fitted before we arrived begins to clean itself, and therefore uses power, between 12.00 midnight and 2am. Also I often hear a switch click over on the large fuses board in the sous sol with a big noise at 2 in the afternoon. These do not fit the times given to us. Also I met someone today who is also on the  creuses tariff , lives locally and her times for the afternoon slot are 2pm to 5pm.

I have been on the EDF site and cannot find times, only costs. I seem to remember someone asked this before and there was a detailed reply but the forum search keeps kicking me out!

Is it the same everywhere or do different communes have different times to equal out the demand? Where can I go to get the info and how do I get someone to check our system to verify the hours?

Sorry to ask for repeat information.

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Your actual times are printed on the electricity bill, but they can vary from day to day by about 10 minutes.

The times do vary from place to place.

Our lunchtime slot is supposed to be 12:30 to 14:30 but often starts as late as 12:40 ish. Similarly the night slot starts at 1:00 which often means 1:10. You can tell form your  meter which charge band you are currently on , it shows something like HP and HC. The "clonk" will certainly be the sound of the relay switching over, which does give another clue.

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I guess the time periods depend on each regions demand pattern. We only signed up the heures creuse in 2002 (Indre et Loire) and were given the times as described above. Two hours at lunch plus the night period, and it sounds like the new subscriber who started this post alos has a lunchtime period.

Further thought.... Perhaps the independent regies have different tarrifs to the main EdF

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The problem with EDF is that they sometimes opperate on a regional basis that varies between one region and another. Likewise they don't always tell people whats going on with their tarrifs. For instance, TEMPO will finish shortly, not for those that are already on it who will carry on but it won't be available to anybody else. Now I went on the website and unless I had a senior moment when I looked I can't find anything about this. Phone EDF up in Carcassonne and they will tell you that you won't be able to get it any mores. Now to be honest if it were not for my local friendly 'sparky' I would never have known,
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Our HC hours are nominally 02.00 - 07.00 and 14.00 - 17.00 though it seems to run 15 mins later every day. These times certainly vary from EDF office to office though.

When we tried to move onto Tempo earlier this yr we could not because EDF say the wires can only give us a max of 6 kw.



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Haven't got an answer to this.All I know is that I rang up because I wanted my thingy (output) changing from 3 to 9 and wanted to go on the HC tariff at the same time,then she offered me the choice of times-there was quite a list and she rattled them all off over the phone in a matter of seconds!! The times I have for cheap electricity are very good and work well.I am on Tempo tariff for another house and therefore get no say in the hours-they are fixed nationally.


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As I read it Tempo has finished for Professional supplies, as they can now benefit from the deregulated free for all competitive market (No new customers since 2004. But for domestic customers it is still available.

As far as controlling Heures Creuse the meter receives a radio signal that changes the tarriff applied, and which triggers the on of relay for things like water heaters etc. I assume the technician sets something when the meter is installed,or the tarrif changed.

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The times would depend entirely on which tarif you were on.

We are on TEMPO and have been for a couple of years. When you change over they come and install a completely different meter specific to TEMPO. Then I suppose that the signal they send out will only be received by TEMPO meters. Heures creuse for this tarif are 10pm to 6am. You can check what 'colour' tomorrow will be on the little additional plug-in box that you get or on this website http://particuliers.edf.fr/article482.html where you can also see historically what day's colours were (they are often the same each year, but depends on what the weather conditions are like - if it's very cold they whack on a red day )
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