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How much detail is required in plans!


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It depends what you want to do. I submitted plans for some window installation and internal remodelling. I'm  not a professional but it seemed like a lot less detail about types of materials and fewer calculations than you need here.

Having said that, you have to provide some details of increased floor space which needs thinking about.

The permis de construire form from the Mairie has all the detail. I have to say that for me the process was very straightforward and efficient. Now all I need to do is convince my contractor that it really is time to start work!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just had a quick look at the details our architect submitted A set of 9 A3 Drawings . Received sign off within two weeks . Hope this helps. ( 500 m2) - These comprised :

Extracts from Cadastral Plan with Property Marked Up at 1/20000 and 1/ 2500 - You should have these from when you bought the property.

Plan de Masse 1/500 which shows the plot and all buildings with marked in detail for Fosse and associated run offs , Electrical inlet positions etc. Also shows positions of associated views. Blown up copy of Cadastre with hand drawn mark ups.

As is Internal Views 1/100 - Ground & First Floor - Major Dimensions - All rooms named Chamber 1 /2 . Bains. Bureau etc

As Is Facades 1/100 Outside - Views from N S E W

New Internal Views 1/100 - Ground & First Floor - Major Dimensions  - Including new terraces - All rooms named Chamber 1 /2 . Bains. Bureau etc

New Facades 1/100 Outside - Views from N S E W

1/100 Cross Section - Showing Internal Floor Heights - Some minor detail on new concrete floor make up . Also deailed section of roof replacement scheme showing insulation, chevrons, tiles etc.

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As much info as you can put on the plans please including all the materials to be used. I've sat through countless committees looking at submitted plans and the ones with the most details are actually the easiest to understand and see the finished project rather than a few scribbles on a bit of A4 paper. Don't forget to put a little position map in the corner to show the property in relation to the immediate others with the compass points in the right place.
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MickSyl has pretty much got it covered. Although it may vary from department to department, in the Dordogne a qualified architect needs to sign them off (as do you, the client). In my experience (and I have submitted a few!!), the more and the better quality, the better. Make sure you include the right level of detail - the colour of shutters can be a stumbling block for example.

All the best,




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  • 2 weeks later...

A very interesting subject for me us as we have just purchased a building plot and have the mad idea of not only designing our own house but also of building it !

As far as I can work out the best method is to get a planning application form from the local mayor and check through what is required on the form-  a set of 4 or 5 forms has to be completed (all identical). These forms appear to be of national issue so shoudl be the same requirement wherever you are.

A major consideration would appear to be the exterior appearance, well for us it is as we will live in an old village, which as I understand must be approved by a department in Paris, I think called Batiment de France. 

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8 years ago we applied for permission for French Windows, and the only elevation required was a photocopy of the house as was with the proposed doors drawn in in Biro/Bic. I would not expect to get way with this in Port Grimaud or Paris Plage. Suggest going to talk to Mayor and or neighbours first.  
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It depends on what type of alteration work you are doing. If it is just new doors/ windows ( inc velux)  it is a change of facade & will not require a permis de construire. Ask for the form " sans permis". If it is an extension , or change of usage to habitation you will need a full permis, applied for on the appropriate form. Both forms tell you what you need to submit , with scales. Generally speaking, the more detail you give, the better, & will hopefully avoid you recieving the dreaded " dossier incomplet" letter.

Good Luck.

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We have also just moved to Department 36.  We live within 500 meters of the town church so we were told that we have to see the DDE for any exterior work done to the house.  I visited the Maire last week and said we wanted to put in new double glazing, as well as windows in the loft for the extra bedrooms we are going to put up there, as well as two new very large windows looking out onto the fields.  The Maire filled out the Declaration of Work (declaration de travaux) for us, asked for photos of the before and a plan of the after.  I used a simple architect program free from the internet and printed out the size of the windows.  I took this into the Mairie and she said it was 'perfect'.  We shall wait and see!  It was so much easier with the Maire doing the paperwork for us.

As for colours etc, it seems to be (in my town anyway) that you can do any work to the exterior of the house which is maintenance related and not changing the colours to purple or something silly.

As for the interior of the house, I have been told that I can do whatever I want inside the house. The habitable floor space will be regulated when it is time for me to pay my tax d'habitation.

That's my take on the situation so far.  I've only been here two weeks so perhaps the harsh reality of it all hasn't hit me yet!

Kind regards,



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