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Fosse Question


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Yes you will as there is more paperwork now and the usual soil tests etc to decide which system is suited to your property in case of drainage problems and nearby water courses. Use only an approved artisan for the installtion as you will pay lower TVA and need the paperwork.
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[quote]hi,you dont need anyones permission just ask for the address of your nearest soil testing office,they will come out for a fee and tell you what you need system wise and were the filter bed can go,its ...[/quote]



         you can ask your local water board to come out and they will do it free,, but the rules are changing and bet they say fit a sand filter............



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Some communes will have the capacitiy to do every thing in house but they are very rare, usually in areas where private drainage is common the communes are  too small to support their own "experts" so instead they rely on the departmental quango which is usually known as SPANC or SATESE or BDQE and what  a bunch of chancers they are in my experience.

They will tell you that certain things are compulsorary when actually they are only recommended.

The technician from the BDQE told me that I had to have a 300litre "indicateur de fonctionment" which is really quite a good idea but try asking for one at a builders' merchant. There they are known as decoloideurs and are not made in a 300 litre size nor with the false bottom shown in the "fiche technique". It was only when taking this up with the BDQE that I found out it was only recommended.

The procedure where I am (03) is you go to the mairie to get the forms for the BDQE, fill them in (not difficult but you can get a private company to do this for an inflated fee) and take back to mairie. It does not matter much what you put down in the application as no matter how good it is the BDQE will want to change things. As the secretary at the mairie told me the form is "only to get them to come out". Mairie sends paperwork to BDQE who then sends out a technician within two months to do a site visit who tells you what you need and that he will send out a "fiche tecnique", which details everything, within one week. Two weeks later phone the BDQE to find out what has hapened to the fiche......."ah" the technician says he's talked it over with his boss and has to do another site visit. After second visit finally get the fiche (loads of pictures in it with measurements changed by BDQE and which do not add up) that may or may not contain some components that are actually available. Phone BDQE to query measurements and supply situation, head of BDQE clarifies matters but will not put it in writing as he is "the one who will do the final inspection" (hmm).

Once you get the fiche you can then either go DIY or get quotes from companies to do the job. Some building or terrasement companies will say that they can do the application for you but I would distrust their motivation for doing this. 

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