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[quote]Hi - can anyone advise me on where to buy a Large woodburning stove in France? I can find 20kw models in the UK but places like Castorama seem to stop around 13kw. Many thanks[/quote]

Both Godin and Franco-Belge have web sites, you might try there to see what your options are. If you are anywhere near Dept 24 we have a great bloke locally who can get anything in that range.

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I’m looking at getting one and have recently visited a couple of specialist shops. So far those that look interesting to me are Jotul (traditional French and modern styling units www.jotul.fr) and Scan (modern styling www.scan.dk).

I believe these are pretty good quality manufacturers (given that for a 14Kw modem the cost is €2500 plus installation.

The most powerful Jotul one is 14Kw and the most powerful Scan one is 11Kw. The 14Kw model is rated for a 400 cubic meter room (which is quite a large room)

Some manufacturers have add-on bits that allow the wood burner to drive e.g. a couple of radiators, etc. (which will obviously take more power).

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if you're going to Limoges there is a Jotul shop just off the A20 junction 35, in Feytiat. It's opposite Quick and next to Office Depot.

Also the chain of Gitem shops sell a multitude of woodburners in all categories.

One word of warning - if you buy one for example in ENgland (we brought ours over!) you will still need to get it installed by a registered tradesman to keep the insurance company happy. Finding someone to install a fire you have already is not that easy round here!

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I am also looking for one (and have somebody coming round tomorrow to quote for installation). The Jotul ones seem quite expensive (ones I’m looking at are 2500€ plus). Are they “top quality” and are there other makes cheaper but maybe “better value”.

I’m assuming the installation costs will be pretty much the same irrespective of the burner (plus or minus at bit).

Ones that seem popular makes are Jotul, Franco Belge and Godin, but of these (or others), where do the sit in the price/quality range. (e.g. I cannot find a Franco-Belge retailer near me so is it worth travelling miles or are they same price range as e.g. Jotul).

Many thanks


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We have fitted a variety of Wood burners over the years, and many of the ones mentioned.

Personally i like the Jotul as it is well engineered and made from quality parts.

We recently installed the Jotul 600 and it took two of us to position using rollers.

One person would find it difficult to lift one end.In comparrison I was in the

loal brico where there was a wood burner for euros 600 and I could have easily lifted it into position.

The Jotul may be more expensive but I personally feel they are worth it.

With regards to price, the F 600 purchased recently was Euros 2000

I hope this helps.
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if youre looking to purchase a 20kw stove i can but presume you have a collosal area to heat!!!

we're just in the process of getting a 14kw godin which is specced to heat up to 500 cubic metres... (given that we'll be heating a floor space of 65sqm by 5m high thats going to be well sufficient...)

also... there are many promos on right now... but there is, as ever, a catch (having investigated carefully!).

in brief... brico places all have special offers on right now and seem to be decent prices... however, watch the tva... cos it's 19.6 %... unless...

if a registered installer buys the model you want from a brico-place then they'll (you in turn) will get it at 5.5%. however, no self respecting installer will buy from there.

what we've discovered to be the best poss deal is: buy from a registered installer and you'll get the model of choice for 5.5% tva (as opposed to 19.6%) - first saving, obtain an all in quote (binding) for the installation and have it installed that way - keeps the insurers happy - ... then - second saving - 'cos, purchasing this way, you're now able to reclaim 40% (from memory) of the cost of the poele a bois back from the government on your next tax return - but, this only works / is applicable if the fire is installed by a registered installer.

in short and doing one's arithmetic plus scouting around, i think you'll find that the toatl net cost works out far cheaper this way.

neil (24)

if it helps and you're in this neck of the woods, i can let you know of one or two locally who are / would be worth contacting

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  • 2 weeks later...
I hope I did not hijack the thread but many thanks for the questions. I have now ordered the Jotul F500, hopefully to be installed (with flue, etc.) late Nov/early Dec.

The tax credit effectively makes it far less expensive to purchase a decent reputable quality make.


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