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TVA at 5.5%


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Hi, wondered if anyone knew whether TVA at 5.5% has been extended again for 2006. I read an article in Ouest France the other day about it, didn't fully understand, but the last sentence said that Artisans were disappointed ... so I'm assuming it's not continuing ... ?

Thanks ..

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There has been no decision yet, in fact there should be another meeting about the 15th December to finally decide whether to continue or not. Meanwhile we artisans have been lobbying the french government with our CAPEB postcards and wearing our teeshirts
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That was quick Val .. thanks .. I'll keep an eye on the paper. Here's hoping it stays, my husband is just about to register and will be ready for work in 2006. The low TVA has been a boom to the construction industry and hopefully the government will bear this in mind. Read recently that the UK construction industry was lobbying for the same thing .... don't think Blair would be quite so accomodating ...
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The actual decision will be forthcoming soon after the next ECOFIN meeting of EU member states which is on the 6th December and not the 15th. Apparently, there has to be a unanimous acceptance by the other member states before France is (legally) allowed to continue with the lower rate.

Apparently There are two countries who seem to be very much against France, from memory they are Austria and Germany. I think the UK are protesting somewhat too !

As Val2 said , all businesses including ours are campaigning via our local CAPEB branches for the rate to remain, otherwise this will spell disaster for the construction industry in France.

I will keep you posted as soon as I have further info.

Steph -  good luck with your hubby's registration - the problem is that France would love to continue the rate for the reasons you have stated , but the decision is not in their hands.



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Hi Paul, thanks for good luck wishes .. started the ball rolling today to trade as a menuiser and charpente with a visit to the accountant (recommended by you back in 2001 - I used to be registered as blandford on the forum). Looks like things should be fairly straightforward and we should be up and running for the 1st Jan. The accountant seems to think that it's likely the TVA will remain at 5.5% so I'll be keeping my fingers crossed ...
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[quote]Hi Paul, thanks for good luck wishes .. started the ball rolling today to trade as a menuiser and charpente with a visit to the accountant (recommended by you back in 2001 - I used to be registered as...[/quote]

Hi Steph.

Great to hear from you - I didn't realise it was Blandford in disguise Blimey, 2001 , I have been around a while!

Phillipe is good (but not cheap) but hopefully will steer you in the right direction, He always says at this time of year that the TVA will stay at 5,5% - I do hope he is right,





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[quote]Hi Steph. Great to hear from you - I didn't realise it was Blandford in disguise Blimey, 2001 , I have been around a while! Phillipe is good (but not cheap) but hopefully will steer you in the righ...[/quote]

Sorry to be in disguise, I had to change my user name ages ago, don't know why ...

Do you still use Philippe? I took an instant liking to him, though I suppose that's his job! Thought his fees were a little pricey but comparable to what we were originally paying in the UK. Hopefully we'll find all the money we need for everthing!!! There appears to be plenty of work around so we are hoping the venture will be a success .. ??

The French construction industry seems to be the same as the UK .. ie. not enough artisans to do the work .. young 'uns haven't been choosing to be trades .. good for us though, back in the UK my husband was still being called "the lad" at 46!!!

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