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Water Pressure


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Our water pressure has dropped locally (3 separate reports) . The man from SAUR came and told me I must be wrong as the mains water pressure is 'toujours la meme'.

The most immediate effect for me is a problem topping up the Chaudiere as it needs to be kept above 1 bar I think and this week attempts to top it up have been useless as there ain't enough force in the mains.

I also wonder about the Chauffe -eau that I and the neighbours each have. As these are under pressure might there not be a problem if the mains pressure has fallen dramatically ?

Thanks in advance for any enlightenment.



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We have a similar situation, the pressure coming in from the street side is enough to jet wash a lorry, but in between there and our taps, there is an old stop tap, partley seized and likely caked in calcaire.........Wonder is you have a similar stop tap lurking somewhere.......ours will hopefully be fixed shortly.  The man from the SAUR almost sorted it, but then, having broke the top off the tap,  decided it wasnt really his remit and we needed a plumber......despite my pleadings, he graciously declined.  When it is fixed the whole house will likely leak, with the sudden increase in pressure.[:^)]
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Hi John, ask the SAUR to come out again and connect one of their hoses to the main inlet supply to your house, if, like ours, the pressure would impress the Pompiers, you can be sure it is something betwixt and between.  If the heating system is new, could their be some c**p lodged in one of the pipes from fitting / soldering etc?  Just a thought.
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He he

Its a bit late at night for me to take that one in.

Of the separate reports:

*one says shower pressure low (on cold )

*I observe low flow

*I also observed a problem when 'topping up' a CH boiler system. The boiler cuts out at 1 bar and the mains was struggling to raise it above 1.5 bar.



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