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Looking after the Fosse


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Within the next two weeks we should complete on our property in France – it will be a ‘maison secondaire’ until we retire there permanently in a few years time.

Now, I know there has been a lot of postings on Fosse Septiques and searching for them turned so many that I thought the best thing to do would be to start another post.

My question is:

How do we look after it and keep it functioning – apart from the obvious.

Which products should we use when cleaning etc and which should we avoid.

I can remember in a post talk of adding something to keep the bacteria at a sufficient level.

So any info would be most welcome.


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Mmmm this looks like a candidate for 'Fosse Sitting'  - Don't mind me, that's just a reference to a recent post.

Well, depending on what type you have (assuming it is fairly recent say 10 years old) you don't have to do anything much.  Not even emptying it, especially if it is not used so much. Products on French supermarket shelves will indicate if Fosse friendly.  Avoid using bleach (Javel) and disinfectants as they kill all bacteria stone dead, then you have a problem, a little bit doesn't matter though.  You can get fosse additives which are teabag sized packs of dried yeast/bacteria that you flush down the loo once a month.  I used them for a while and didn't notice any difference.  Now for the good part.  Real ale [B](ie beer with bits of yeast in it) are good for the fosse.  It is even MORE effective when it has passed through a human digestive system.  Ahhhh life doesn't get any better  (No dear, I'm not enjoying this beer, I'm only drinking it to keep the fosse in good order - hic!)


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Disinfectants for fosses are usually marked "Special Fosse Septique" or something similar.  As Pierre says, you can get "top up" bacteria in the form of a sachet (Eparcyl  is one) to flush down the loo once a week.  I had my fosse emptied when we moved in (probably wasn't 100% necessary) and the farmer said every 5 - 10 years to empty depending on usage.  This is a huge advance on our cess pit in the UK which lasted about 10 weeks on average  and cost twice as much to have emptied!

Quick note, when your fosse is emptied, fill it with water straight away - my neighbours did not do this and the whole thing collapsed in on itself - mega bills ensued.

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