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huge gas tank in middle of front garden


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does anyone have any knowledge on gas tanks.part of my renovation project will be to move the gas tank that has been sited in the middle of the front garden.

i have no idea of the capacity but it is about 3 metres long and stands nearly 1 metyre high, would i be able to have it partly filled so that i have some gas for now ?

or do you have to have them filled completely ?

i would guess by the size of the tank it would hold about 1 years supply

why they couldnt have put it to one side of the garden is a bit of a mystery ! 

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Your tank is probably at least a 100Kg tank.  To have it filled will cost quote a lot of €.  I can see no reason why you could not have

it partially filled, though I don’t know how accurate the half would be.

For having my own tank filled I had two contract options,

one (cheaper) where they call round regularly and check the tank and fill it up

as required – so you always have gas. 

The 2nd and more expensive option is where you watch the tank

level and call them when you need gas. 

My tank is a Primagas one.  If

you went for the cheaper option then you might have problems stopping it being

completely re-filled next automatic check.

When I first arrived and before I sorted the contract I ran

out of gas.  After many calls and

chasing things up there was nothing they could do until they got the contract

and then it as a month before I got any gas.

They can empty a tank (i.e. pump it back into a tanker.  However, I expect that this might be quite

an expensive option.

If your tank has not been filled for a bit, you might need

an inspection before they fill it.  I

think routine inspections are every 10 years but mine is done by PrimaGas and

is free (after all, its their tank.



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We rent our tank from TotalGaz and I think it's a 1000kg one - it's as you say, about 3m long and 1+ m high and hidden by a hedge. If I recall correctly, red wine permitting, the minimum top up is 200kg. We've had 2 fills since buying the house - 250kg and 400kg. They turn up within a week of booking. We've had one inspection periodique - in our case I think it's once every 3 years. The technician checked the tank and pipe, made noises about how close it was to the boundary and stuck a new sticker on it. Maybe the Total website gives you more details, but a pretty colour brochure we got when we signed the contract gives lots of info about tank types, positions (underground if you want), moving etc.
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Steve wrote "does anyone have any knowledge on gas tanks.part of my renovation project will be to move the gas tank that has been sited in the middle of the front garden.

i have no idea of the capacity but it is about 3 metres long and stands nearly 1 metyre high, would i be able to have it partly filled so that i have some gas for now ?

or do you have to have them filled completely ?

i would guess by the size of the tank it would hold about 1 years supply

why they couldnt have put it to one side of the garden is a bit of a mystery "


From the dimensions it looks as it it is a 2-2,5m³ tank and will hold around 1,5te when full.

Regarding its positioning and moving it, you will need to do some homework.  There are regulations about the siting of tanks - so far from boundaries, public access etc.  Also it still needs to be within a hose run of where the tanker can offload.  You may find it's in front of the house because that is the only place that fulfills the requirements - alternatively maybe the last owner was an industrial archaeologist


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Sounds like ours, which is contracted to Vitogaz, although ours is underground, 1000kg capacity, or about 1500litres

When we signed we had a choice of under, or overground, and underground was only an extra €120, so we opted for that. All you can see is the nice green manhole cover.

Ours was recently "filled" but when the truck arrived, it only had 500kg of gas on it, so that's what we got. They RECKON they'll automatically come back to top it off, but I have yet to see them. They've billed us for the 500kg, though, and it's NOT cheap!

I would imagine that your tank is like mine: actually the property of whichever gas company put it in, and you/the previous owner pay a once and for all charge to hire it, refundable when you cancel the contract.

This means that in effect, you can tell them to take it away, get your money back, (you DO have the paperwork, don't you?), then contract them, or someone else to replace it with an underground one, space and underground pipework etc permitting, and just re-pay the new charges for hire/placement.

Somehow, I don't see them doing that if it's got gas in it though.


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