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Leicester is not the most obvious place most will associate with France...but the city is only 65 mins from the new st pancras international rail terminal, opening in November.

To celebrate the citys new Eurostar link, it is hosting the "france show live" at leicester racecourse on Sunday Feb 18th- a holiday, food, drink, property and lifestyle expo with a mix of national brand names standing alongside local firms such as stylish bistro's and repro furniture makers.

Google "the france show live" for more info




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Of course, there is an excellent and deservedly popular cheese that comes from Leicester - just like France.

I think that's a better link. Can I have a job in Leicester's PR office?
(no, perhaps not, that might mean living in Leicester) [;-)]

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I think if this is an advert then the moderator should have banned it! 

However, it's just a general posting then fair enough - it's useful information.  I had already planned to go, but did not connect it with the opening of the St. Pancras connection - which is November 14th I believe.  Trouble is, it's probably way more expensive than flying even if better for the environment.

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