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Pressure valve on boiler - help needed


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Dear LF members, I need some help on an oil boiler related question. Opel Fruit has given me some really good advice in the past and hope he or another member can help.

I have a Lamborghini oil fired boiler that is about two years old. On my last visit to France a couple of weeks ago, the pressure valve on the front of the boiler was of the scale (low or empty) the boiler was showing an error warning. I am not sure where the water has gone as there appeared to be no leaks. It probably needed around 20 litres to bring back upto a normal pressure. There appeared to be a fair amoiunt of air/gas in the radiators, and everything was fine after this. Ungil a few days later when there was evidence of water on the floor of the bolier room. I took the top off the boiler an noticed a small brass valve?? with a small knurled screw and a rubber washer. This appered to be leaking a very small amount of water. It appeared to have worked loose and may have been the cause of the leak when the pressure dropped. Two questions I am asking:- should this small screw be tightened to prevent leaking or is it supposed to be loos to prevent high pressure. The other question is should the system develop a drop in pressure due to a build up of air.

Everything was working well when I left but am worried about the small brass screw. Can anyone help



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Chris.The small brass valve is the automatic air vent for venting the boiler when its been repressured,if it has a small weep just tighten the cap up and leave alone.,sometimes grit etc gets under the seat and they leak.Just remember to vent it now and again.The answer to your next queston is yes,water lost ,air in the system,guage to zero .Whop it back up to 1 bar revent and bingo.Same time check pipe from the boiler safety valve outside is not dripping,if so give it a small tweak to reseat it.Take the tops off the rad valves if the pressure continues to drop, check no water is leaking out of the glands on these rubbish french valves then evaperates with the heat,so allways look for leaks when the system is cold.Happy days.michael.
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