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Complete France Forum

Running cables at 90 deg to joists


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Quick electrical question - when running cable (either singles or double insulated) at 90 deg to the joists are there any French regs to do with hole size/position when drilling through the joist? In the UK there is the 50mm from the edge rule, but I can't find anything in my French book and given that most of the cable will be in gaine the holes will need to be relatively big (20 - 25mm rather than 12mm which is what I use in the UK)

Any ideas?


Simon and Liz (87)
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No idea about any French regs but I have always gone through in the middle (vertically) as this has the lowest impact on the joist strength and is furthest away from any nails or screws that might be “applied” later to fix floor/ceiling.


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Sorry, I meant the hole for the cable midway between the top surface and the bottom surface of the joist (i.e. mid point of the vertical direction.

I remember at school years ago we had to write these explanations of how to do something (e.g. light a fire) – clear precise instructions making (virtually) no assumptions. I was never any good at such things (explaining what I meant in writing).


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Thanks foryour replies.


I do mean horizontally - ie coming up in gaine from a wall surface and then going through six/seven joists to reach the centre.


I know the 50mm rule in the UK isdo do with not being hit with nails from below or above, but I haven't seen anything in the french regs. As the intention is to expose the bottom half of the beams I don't want to drop too far down that's all.



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