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poele a pellet


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Hi all has anyone had a poele fitted that uses pellets, I hear they are clean economical and energy efficient but what is the best way to fit, Do you have just the poele or install radiators with it as is possible this is in a two bedroom cottage with no heating at present i would value any comments thanks in advance Don
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Yes.  We have a poele (is that really how you spell it?) with pellets.  They are clean (ishhhhh).  We have an awful problem with static with ours.  Our house will need redecorating at the end of the heating season.  But yes, I empty out the bottom box, well, I can't remember when, so I might do it today... 

We don't have radiators, the thing just lights up and then pumps out hot air.  We have an air intake lever at the side, which we have to have reasonably well out, or the pellets don't burn, but in the winter when we had it on all day we used 4 bags of pellets at 3.12 a bag (I think).

We heat living room, kitchen and two bedrooms with it.  Perhaps it's a little too pwerful sometimes, but when it was -16C outside we were still snug and warm. 

As I have said, our only problem is the static, and if I could solve that problem I would be home and dry.. but

They can also be quite noisy.  There is a fan on it to circulate the air. I think ours is about 15 years old, so todays versions might be a lot better.  Could you see one in operation somewhere?

Good luck,


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Hi.I have recently seen a demo at the local "cheminey" sales room.it looked o.k but not very pleasing to look at,certainly sounded noisy in view of th fan and feed screw drive.I also thought very expensive for just a room heater without boiler.Dont know what the position is re the fuel,but knowing France ,if its not on promo,it wont be in stock.I personally would go for a poel a bois with a back boiler.I have been impressed on the web looking at  www.cashin-france.com.I dont have any axe to grind with them.Good luck-Maude
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Hi Margaret thanks for info but could you tell me how hot air is pumped around the house could we fit poele in fireplace or downstairs and push the hot air upstairs and what about condensation look forward to reply thanks again Don
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Hello Don, Ive had a poele last winter 14kw to heat one room downstairs and the bedroom above. It appears not to be powerful enough to heat either sufficiently. Had 14 downstairs (30 metre cube) and 11 degrees upstairs. I dont know if its the installation thats wrong or the poele I suspect the former. No condensation, its through a vent upstairs.
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