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moving to France

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My wife and I and my elderly mother in law are on our way to France in the next couple of months, we are below  retirement age and will not be working. Can someone give us a potted version of who we need to inform and what forms we need to complete re social security and tax

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If you search the forum, you'll find all the detailed information you require for your move to France.

However, to summarise the process, you need to inform HMRC that you are leaving the UK so that they can refer your tax file to the Centre for Non-Residents.  They will then send you the forms you'll need to have any future UK based income free of tax and reclaim any UK tax paid since your arrival in France.  Once you arrive in France, you will become resident here for tax purposes and will have to file a tax declaration in Spring 2008, together with your UK tax reclaim form.   Once this form has been certified by the French tax office, it'll be sent back to HMCR and you'll receive your UK back tax refund.  You are now French taxpayers.

Prior to your move you should also contact the DWP and request a form E106 for yourself and your wife and a form E121 for your mother in law.  This is required for registration with the French healthcare system and will exempt you and your wife from having to pay contributions for up to two years.  The E121 will exempt your M-I-L for life.  You will all need to purchase top-up insurance to cover the shortfall in state reimbursements.  Once you're registered, you'll be issued with a social security number and a carte vitale which you produce when you require medical treatment.




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