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Converting attached two storey garage and stables


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Can anyone tell the situation regarding planning permissions for the following -

We want to convert a two storey garage that is attached to a house that we are buying into habitable accommodation - what permissions do we need? I have read that you do not need to get permission if the building is attached to your house

There is also a stables that we also want to convert into a guest apartment - it is attached to a cottage (we do not own the cottage). What permissions do we need?

With regard to Certificat D'Urbanisme and Permis de Contruire - do we get these forms from the Mairie's office?


Many thanks for anyone's help!

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I don't know where you read that, but there is, unfortunately, a lot of suspect information about. I think the confusion may arise in that it used to be a widely held belief that unless the external appearance is changing then nobody will know about the alterations. If just adding window or door openings you would apply for permission with a declaration de travaux.

But as you are, effectively, adding rooms then you will need to put in a permis de construire to do things legally and properly. If the total habitable accommodation (not just the bit you are converting) is, or will become, over 170m2 then you need to have plans drawn up by an architect. If you want to know that you won't be wasting money on architects than by all means put in a CU first. But it is better, if the conversion is important, to get the CU before the sale is completed (can be done by the vendor or agent, and a clause must be put in the compromis de vente that the sale is subject to a positive CU).

The forms can indeed be obtained from the mairie, or DDE offices, or from the Internet (http://www2.equipement.gouv.fr/formulaires/formfiche.asp for the permis de construire)

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Will is right, and what you propose is a change of use, in much the same way as changing an office or workshop to habitable accomodation which in all the countries I have worked in, definitely needs permission.

With something like you are proposing, it helps alot to have the Maire on your side, but at the end of the day it is the DDE who have the last word. I would suggest you take a walk down there and have an informal discussion, I do it whenever I'm unsure about something and fortunately they welcome the chance to speak a little english,the application system is quite straight forward, but a little confusing the first time.



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Thanks both for your helpful replies. Our total habitable space will be more than 170 sqm so we will need to find an architect. We have clauses in our compromis, thank goodness.

I have one more question. Do you know anything about Batiment de France. Apparently, as there is a listed church within 500 metres of our house then we need to get extra permission to do our renovations, as well as for making a swimming pool and the creation of a small parking area.

Will the architect help us with getting these extra 'batiment de france' permissions? Do you know if Batiment de France have a website? I can't seem to find it.

Thanks again


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As far as I know Batiment de France are interested in new construction or changes to the facade of any building within 500m of an historic building or monument, DDE can also put you intouch with them.

A word of caution, the architects here do try to take control of building works, they charge around 10% of the contract price, it is not neccessary to employ them for this purpose, although you may want to, just so you know to make sure he knows exactly what you want from him. 

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