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Dodgy Electrics


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We live in a small hamlet in  24 and our house is attached to the property next door.

This is owned by Australians that spend time in the house twice a year for no more than 5 months .Then rent it out to fellow Australians the rest of the time.

The problem we have is that the electrics in there house are so dodgy that last year whilst the house was rented and whilst the renters where out two of the main electric feed wires that were well past there sell by date touched and sent a power surge through the house, luckily the people renting came back to unplug all three TVs and other electrical items just in time as they were all smoking.


When they had the supply wires changed the English registered artisan, he told them and us that they were so lucky that the whole house and ours did not go up in smoke.

And she should stop over loading the sockets and get the place rewired as soon as possible.

She told us and the artisan that she was getting the work done when she came back in March this year, but we had to go back to the Uk for ten weeks before she returned .So when we got back we where duly invited in for a drink to find that she still has all the sockets well over loaded and had changed her mind and was not getting the house rewired as she had had no problems whilst she had been there.!!

Are concerns are that we or the renters may fall fowl of her neglect.


So my question is should she have any up to date electrical certificates as she rents the house out.


Many thanks


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If someone died because of faulty wiring down to the householder, then they would probably be charged with manslaughter here in France. The blame stops with the person in charge usually. If I were you, I wouldn't hesitate to contact EDF and report them,my family and my life would be worth more than friendship in this case.She is also probably breaking the law receiving rental for a badly wired house.
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