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Seriously Big Tree Houses


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Good news.

A 3 metre rule applies to  balconies and other structures such as treehouses.

If they take no space on the ground and start above 3 metres then no declarations or permis required.

The lady at the Marie likes my plans.

I wonder if I can build a garage in the trees?

Somewhere for Chittychittybangbang

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Having searched a wide variety of French sites I cannot find any reference to an exemption of the kind described.

I think it would probably be wise to enquire at the local DDE. My own thoughts are that a Declaration De Travaux would be required, after all its a kind of  garden shed isn't it?

However if you are well away from everybody, deep in the woods...............and prying eyes, who knows what you could get away with!

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I have a lot of admiration for you Big Jim, from what I have read about you, you are really living life to the fullest in France I'm sure you and the little man (?) in your avatar will get a lot of enjoyment from it.

Ditto, please post a picture of the finished project.

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Cheers Beryl

We make every moment fun.

I used to build themepark rides now I write the music for them and do my own theming at home.

Last year I made a few sculptures out of cement then a log cabin for the boy.

My plans just get bigger.

Maybe I'm trying to catch up with my namesake in the USA


He's a real dude

I'll start posting a picture diary of the project next week.

If this one goes well I have some friends here who want a tree village for yoga retreats at L'huis Preau next year possibly with a Mondrian theme.

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Sounds interesting! In my time as a tree climber I was contracted several times to prepare big trees for tree houses, the projects always fascinated me. What's the tree (species, health etc)? How high up?How will the structure be attached to the tree?


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