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Fosse / Soakaway


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This is probably a really daft question so  i shall apologise in advance.

We have two septic tanks newly  installed in our property - the waste from sink (as there was no shower etc here) just goes outside the property.   hmmm nice.

anyway since we are really terribly sophisticated people we have now installed a shower AND a washing machine!    The question i have is, is there any issue with waste water from these (or more accurately the products used in both events) going into a fosse, or would a soakaway be the solution.   we are very rural by the way !

any responses would be appreciated

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Our washing machine water, shower water etc goes into a soakaway, I believe this is the norm. Bearing in mind that a fosse needs friendly bacteria to work effectively, some biological washing powders could hinder this.

That's all I can tell you but I know that Dave and Olive and  Mr Motorhead are very knowledgeable on this subject.[:D]


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Yes, Angela. I do know that different Communes seem to interpret the new regulations in different ways, but I was convinced that any *New* installation, as you put it, would have to be passed by the relevant Conseil and meet the tough new regime. After all, it was a European Diktat, not a French initiative.

I'm saving my pennies for ours at the moment![:(]



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Sorry for any mis-information in my post. I know we have a fosse of some sort and a soakaway and it's a new system.

I thought my washing water was going else where, if it's not then thanks for bringing this to my attention,  it could explain why we get the odd pong ! as I hadn't been taking that much notice of the labels on my washing powders etc. I'm off to read this post now http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/655133/ShowPost.aspx


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thanks michael

fosse was all checked and passed and installed 2005 so i am sure you are correct  in saying everything can go in.  unfortunately it was done in our absence so we dont have "instructions (that's pre-supposing such things come with a fosse!!).

I always check toilet paper for compatability but have just checked by (err top budget !!) washing powder and it doesnt seem to say anything.   Sorry to be naive but  do i check everything, eg shampoo, conditioner, soap, washing powder ??



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      ok ... just a bit of  info first.

      the reason the lets call them the" septic tank laws" for a better word  were introduced in france was because the water ways/rivers were becoming poluted. the vast majority of the houses were or still are on the fosse system . the frence way WAS to put the toilet waste into a tank and then let it soak away through the soil , the waste from the shower sink bath.. ect was just let to run over the garden or into the rivers.this is the french way of thinking ok in its time but.... the waste from the toilet is really green waste it does not cause polution it can  be broken down naturally and is good for the soil ect. It is the water no sorry the modern detergents that cause the problems from washing machines , sinks and showers that are the cause.

          I still have problems ,when fitting systems with the french people to convince them of this before I can get a cirtificate from  the local water board... in 79 it`s SVL ..

        so.......make up your own mind


ps why do the farmers throw tonnes of cow sh1t on their fields?????

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