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Thinking of moving from 17 (Charente Maritime) to Brittany as 17 is too hot in the summer but do want nice weather so can be out of doors as much as possible. Have two worries - where is best for good weather, & we hear there is anti Brit feeling in Brittany. Is this true & where?  We are quite keen on Pontivy, Loudeac Fougeres sort of area. We  propose to retire there in 2008. Thanks in advance for your commentsSmile [:)]
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Depends what you consider good weather. We are from the north of England and quite honestly Brittany is far better for weather than there even though it rains a lot in winter and some times quite heavy in summer as well. But all in all, it definitely is warmer and you don't feel that bitter chill that you do in England quite so much. Winters are much milder than the Charente but summers can be hit and miss. Winter rain is definitely the thing to come to terms with. If you do not like it really hot, then this is the place to be, although it did reach 35 degrees and slightly above last year, it was not prolonged.  So the upshot is, better than England but not a tropical climate. As for ABF? I think if you don't go for an Brit enclave you are unlikely to notice it.



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The ABF reports are a bit exaggerated, but there are definitely enclaves in central Brittany - groups of British who deliberately cut themselves off from 21st cenury France, read the Daily Mail so they can talk about how bad Britain has become and won't look at  French papers or listen to French radio and TV in case they find out that France has some of the same difficulties. I'm exaggerating a bit too, but not a lot.

Having said that you should not encounter this further east around the Fougeres area, but as you go into Normandy you will find one or two towns where most of the shops have 'English spoken' signs.

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  Thanks guys for your time to reply - guess it's just a case of suck it and see!!!  First thing is to sell the 17 house....There is very little English spoken around here & we welcome the challenge of a new lingo.  As regards the weather we feel that as long as it's bit better than Brighton I think we will be happy (in our courtyard in the Charente in the summer it reached 48 regularly!)  We are taking the Portsmouth/St Malo on 14th feb so here's hoping for a calm crossing, lots of buyers & lots of choice in Brittany















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As a long time resident of Brittany I have to say that where we are on the north west coast is considerably cooler in summer than the centre from Carhaix southwards but warmer in winter due to the protection of the Gulf Stream and the monts d'Arrée which stop any snows reaching this part. My daughter at uni in Brest gets hotter weather there and its only 40mins from here and the Morbihan gets the warmest of all although they do suffer gales and snow there too being open to the Atlantic via the Bay of Gascoigne. For brit enclaves its mainly Pontivy,Mur de Bretagne, Carhaix/Huelgoat and that central strip from Rostrenan where properties are quite a lot cheaper than the coastal areas and Morbihan south. The only time I have heard anti-brit sentiments are when they have ripped people off,both french and foreigners and when they ask too much for a house for sale when its clearly not worth that sort of money. Don't get involved deeply with fellow countrymen,it can lead to all sorts of backstabbing and quarrels and demands for help with finance etc when funds run low, I've seen it happen to several folks round here already and it wasn't very pleasant to be drawn into the middle of it all especially as they were years older and should have set an example to us younger ones. Bretons can be very racist especially towards non-white skin races and you have to remember LePenn is a Breton and quite popular here.As with everywhere,never expect locals to speak your native tongue and you will get on OK but you must integrate even just by saying bonjour or inviting strangers into your home if they are curious about you.
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Whats the weather like now in Brittany (12.55GMT). I ask simply because many people say that Brittany is similar to Cornwall (The only county with a French spelling - so said my Breton French language tutor). It's pouring with rain here and very cold but not freezing.[:D]
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[quote user="Val_2"]Bretons can be very racist especially towards non-white skin races and you have to remember LePenn is a Breton and quite popular here.[/quote]

Mmmh... I am not sure this is true...

In fact I encourage you to have a look at: http://francepolitique.free.fr/PR02.htm to see Brittany was actually one of the regions where the Le Pen did his lowest scores! Being Breton, I'm actually rather proud of that! :-)

I also believe it is in Brittany (St Coulitz, Finistère) that Kofi Yamgnane became one of the first (THE first?) black maire and that he is the current conseiller général in that départment...

I think the Breton would probably tend to be more tolerant than many...
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We can highly recommend Brittany and have found the neighbours kind and welcoming to the strangers in their midst. We try to make an effort to join in the local hospitality efforts, making sure we organise aperitifs in our turn.

The weather? Well you can see it coming from the west!!! But it blows through quite fast also!!! We've had some fab summers with sea-breezes kicking in on hot afternoons. Ideal place for little boat-trips also!



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