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Re: rendering


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Good for you. Have you read what Phil - and others - have written? Because this post boils down to "I know it all, you are all jokers, so listen to me".

Yes, Chris is something of an expert with a chainsaw. There are a number of professionals who give advice on ths forum and don't feel the need to abuse other people. It might be nice to give them some respect.

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Steve's entitled to his opinion - fair enough.  Not sure why he felt compelled to express it here. 

I still think it looked a lot worse before


than after


despite the higgledy-piggledy mix of stones of different sizes and colours.

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Steve wrote<<<are you an expert with a chainsaw ? probably not, but i would think you are as good as you hope to be and your advice on that subject is taken with respect.>>>

Yes Steve, I am a total expert in the USE of a chainsaw, are you one of those boring farts with a putput saw who has more testosterone than humility and who thinks he knows it all? I can do stuff with a saw that you could only ever dream of, sorry if that insults your manhood.

Cassis' advice, research and work is fantastic, I'm one of the folk who know very little about the subject but will most certainly be benefitting from Phil's advice. You make it clear it's not to your taste Steve but I think your taste is fairly clear....I've got you as one of the 'plasterboard is beautiful' crowd!

So what was your 'expertise' in the construction industry? You're a little elusive. Methinks laying breezeblocks or banging up plasterboard?


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<<<Most of what I learned when I started was from quizzing old guys who are all dead now>>>

Me too Robin, I used to bug the hell out of people, still do!

One of the frustrations is knowing that the more one thinks one knows the more I realise that I've only just started. Every day a new idea and technique is born....exciting innit!

Ripchain....it depends on saw power, bar length, species of timber, it's density (which can change dramatically from parcel to parcel) etc. I would imagine you know what the saw likes and doesn't like by now Robin, 90 -12 degrees though, and mess around with chain depth gauge settings also. Sharpen by hand.

Nicely written by the way.

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Firstly, I would like to apologise for using this topic as my first post, I have lurked around this forum for quite a while, and I cannot quite get to grips with the amount of pettiness and spitefulness that occurs.

Surely, forums are for people to share and express opinions, that is how we all learn, and even though some may not appreciate others opinions, that is not a cause to pull apart a persons character, and possibly offend someone that you don't even know by assuming the worst, and guessing at a persons level of workmanship.

It seems to be on this forum, a group of people who stick together, rather much like a clique, and when an outsider to this group makes a comment, the outsider gets hit upon, hard and fast.

Surely a forum that puts itself across as friendly, and welcoming, should accept criticism and occasionally welcome it, not jump down the throat of someone, accuse them of having had one too many drinks the night before, and generally slate them straight away.

From what I can read, Steve has apologised to Cassis, and Cassis, has "accepted" this apology, in a roundabout way, but Chris Head, and Dick Smith have carried on with this tirade of insults, with some others picking up on the argument and having to get their say in as well. (I suppose that would be one way of getting post counts up eh Blitzen)

Its pettiness to the point of playground antics, (primary school, one might like to add).

Everyone has the right to express their opinion, after all, there is still a thing called the freedom of speech, Steves' post may have come across as slightly insulting to some, but that was obviously his opinion, and as a forum, it should be taken in the spirit of forums..... criticism, after all, is what makes us do better in the long run.

One other thing.... Cassis has said that "Steve is entitled to his opinion, not sure why he had to express it here"


Forums are there for information, and to be able to express ones opinion!!!!

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Yes, I can see how you could say that was petty, but his first post had nothing to do with the original thread, it was an attack straight away, with nothing constructive to add. And now this post is taking away from the original purpose also.

Maybe someone should put this thread back on track, start by acting like adults, desist from attacking people with ridiculous remarks and comments and accept constructive criticism.

As I said in my first post, I have lurked around this forum for quite a while, and this thread is not an isolated incident. There seem to be a lot of attacks, hiijacked threads, etc, it seems to be that the certain few think they have reign over this forum. A lot of the posts are informative but then they go completely off topic, which is very annoying, (something that I am contributing to now, which I am not proud of) which leaves you scrolling through, trying to get back on topic again. Surely, if there is something that is needed to be said regarding a post that is not strictly within that topic, someone should start a different one elsewhere, leaving the original one for information only.

Thank you for your welcome Chris, though something makes me think I shall not be staying for long.

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You could make a start with this thread.

Also if you are not happy you can always contact the mods or hit the report button.

As you pointed out this is a forum and like any face to face conversation people will go off on tangeants(sp).  That's what makes this forum so good.  Not only can you give and receive good information but for many, myself included, its a good way of keeping in touch with folk that either have an interest in France or live here.   You have to bare in mind that many of the people that post here have done so for many years and may not  need the inforamtion you are seeking, but whilst they are bantering and chatting with one another will see a genuine question and if possible answer it, thus helping a new member.

Why don't you give the forum a try and perhaps ignore the posts you feel are off topic, thus bringing the thread back to where it ought to be.

You never know you may just enjoy it for many reasons.


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<<<start by acting like adults>>>

God no thanks WWW.

You'll also find that there are those of us who tend not to take life altogether very seriously and will joke and take the peess about most things. Now give us a hug WWW. and stop being so grumpywumpy[:D]!

(Oh don't worry about my avatar,I'm dressed now)

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Maybe Steve's post would have been received better if it had been constructive and told us how he would have done it - it wasn't. 

By the way is there a prize for who has the most posts?  If I'd thought there was, I could have posted the individual words[:P]!

I shall certainly be trawling through other threads for information that might help us with DIY, legal bits and pieces etc. and hopefully enjoy verbal spats, which are part and parcel of these kind of forums.

By the way if you're wondering about the colour - 'Purple people are people people'!!!!

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[quote user="Dick Smith"]I thought purple people had their ties too tight?

Agree with your sentiment, we've had a few people lately get all antsy about thread drift and so on, and some quite aggressive first posters. What's going on?
[/quote]Perhaps it's the winter blues - or is it purples? - Dick.
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[quote user="Dick Smith"]I thought purple people had their ties too tight?

Agree with your sentiment, we've had a few people lately get all antsy about thread drift and so on, and some quite aggressive first posters. What's going on?

Yeah but even at your age you're still up for a scrap you old crimbo, go put your slippers on and chew on a toffee.

My theory is that, as the sun diminishes and the days shorten, the grumpies are forced to seek alternative activities....don't knock them, they're additional entertainment, or if you like, cannon fodder for some of the more forthright here!


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