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Does anyone have a Brico Depot Kitchen?

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I'm driving down to Brico Depot tomorrow and getting my new kitchen.  I have their catalogue and have been able to plan what I will need based on the dimensions in the catalogue.

Unfortunately, the length dimension of the 'angle bas' unit is not given.  Would someone be able to measure theirs and tell me what it is?

Thank you to the kind person with a measuring tape!


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[quote user="londoneye"]

does anyone know where to get a brico depot catalogue from (apart from the obvious!) - EG i cant see anywhere on-line from where it can be ordered, or am i missing something?


Believe it or not, the big catalogues seem to be depot specific.  Our last big catalogue (450 pages plus) has printed at the bottom of the front cover page:

'Avril 2006. Prix valables du lundi 27 mars au mercredi 26 avril pour votre depot d'Alençon'.

However, this could just be the cover.  The insides may be standard.  The brochure gives no contact info other than the local store.  So I think that's your answer.



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thanks - its seriously bizarre isnt it !   that you cant order one on-line  - and i am not being ultra british about this (well perhaps i am) but what's the point of having a web site!

A friend of mine in dordogne says he gets a catalogue through his door via postman - wish our postman would do that!

We are trying to find out if castorama or brico depot would be cheapest for sky-light windows if anyone knows by way

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Agreed - the website's a waste of space. 

Some Brico Depot roof window prices, DG, frame only, 74 by 98cm:

Roto 135€ in wood

Velux centre hinge standard 182€, comfort (special thermal glass) 224€

Velux top hinge standard 309€

They do the fitting kits (surrounds) for about 35-60 euros depending on make and style.

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We need:

118 x 114

78 x 98

55 x 78

cheapest options !

if you wouldnt mind !   Also, we have a lovely peugeout (spelt something like that!) 106 - she is my baby but sadly not up to carrying large items - although i have been surprised at what we have managed to stuff/tie/balance in the back since we have been here!    Do they deliver or do van rental do you know at all?

sorry for all the questions.

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Roto                                                                    Velux

                    Wooden   Surround   Surround                          Standard   Surround   Surround

                    frame         for tile      for slate                                              for tile        for slate


54x78         125€            31.88€      27.35€         55x78         147.47€       44.03€      32.54€

74x98         135€            37.48€      31.24€         78x98         182€            50.60€      38.99€

114x118      219€           46.23€      37.70€         114x118      245.84€       60.72€      46.49€

Phew!  Not easy to line this lot up!  NB Roto and Velux are slightly different sizes.


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If you book the BD van, try and be the first to use it in the morning even if that does mean you have to be there at 7am. Otherwise you run the risk of everyone running late and you having to hang around for hours. Also, BD closes for lunch so if you're due to pick the van up at 11am, say, and the van is running late, then you can't pick it up till 2pm.

Nice thing is, they don't charge for the 2 hours over the lunch break. We hired the van about 6 years ago (so okay, the system / process might've changed) and picked it up at 10am (late) and got it back to them just after 2pm. We were only charged for 2 hours because of course, one can't possibly be charged rental over the lunch period.[:-))]

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I find this item very interesting, my question is however, does anyone know of a depot around the St. Junien/Rochefoucauld/St.Mathieu area of the Haute Vienne? We have been looking and there appears to be one at Limoges, but we have had nightmares trying to get around Limoges - looking for the sheds as we call them.

Thanks Keni & Chris

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I bought our kitchen from LaPeyre or however it is spelt and they are excellent - solidly made carcasses and feet, solid oak doors.  The ones in Brico D depend on the range - the carcasses are all  about the same, in decent laminate board, and the doors and plinths etc. seem to depend on the range.  Anyone actually fitted one from Brico D?

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