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After the Compromis de Vente


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We are buying a house near Sarlat, we signed the Compromis de Vente at the estate agent and gave them a list of our conditions and were told these would be included by the Notaire.  Now a couple of weeks after the cooling of period, and after paying the deposit, we find that none of our condition have been met.  Some of our  conditions covered work that we new needed  finishing but we now find will cost 15 - 20 000€ more than expected.  I think I know the answer, but is there any way we can withdraw from the purchase and get our deposite back





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The answer is basically no - if you have signed, you cannot pull out without forfeiting the deposit.

We always advise on the forum against being railroaded by agents or notaires into prematurely signing anything or paying money up front (other than paying a deposit to the notaire by the end of the so-called 'cooling off' period). You should not have signed the compromis until your conditions were included in the document, and agreed by the seller.

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I cannot add very much more than Will has said!

The only advice I can give is maybe you might be able to salvage something if you get good legal advice.

If you PM me I can give you the name of a superb English lawyer who deals in French law here in England and acted for us in our house purchase.

Please let us know the outcome


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