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good builders...


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I think that builders who start work and then get told that the money isn't forthcoming don't spend a lot of time listening to excuses. And why should they?

And if you don't like this forum, 'Active8' (such a toy name) try thatsfrance. No-one's allowed to say anything there.

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I know nothing about builders Active8, but you're badly out of date on the subject of the Women"s Institute. I give occasional talks to them. Last time I did it the woman who was taking the monthly subs was a QC.


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I did in fact ask you where in the Dordogne you are as I'm looking for Macons at present - I didn't get a reply. You were obviously looking for someone to save your embarrasment without having to contribute anything further yourself. It was a bank cock up was it??  Builders couldn't do much else, could they, but I'm sure their not that happy at being laid off in the middle of the job.

As for not answering the question, that is acrtually the purpose of the forum - to provide a place for informative discussion on all issues related to France, not to find interim employment for your builders

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[quote user="active8"]Sorry its my mistake...I thought I had posted this on living france seems it went astray and went to the womens institute instead...

What really happened was my bank told me my funds that were tied up long term would be released on the 1st Aug when in fact they cocked up and it will not be released until 1st Sept...Not infact my cock up...

While you women were nagging the world with what other people should and should not do...I found a job for the builders and then they are coming back here and then after they finish here they are going on to another job that came up due to my hard work in getting this sorted...My builders are very happy, very nice and human.

Why cant people just answer the question... surely some of you need to find a hobby or something... living in france didnt quite work for you cos you brought so much of your British angst and noseyness with you... My only saving grace was that Val 2 didnt come on and tell me how hard it is to get work and make ends meet legally in france...

for those who have been nice...thank you.

A8... worried about some members on this forum.

I think this thread is a prime example of how many newcomers are treated on this forum.  The guy asked for help and advice and all he got back was a load of pompous finger wagging and crazy bun fight.

Why does that happen so much on here?  I just don't get it.

Will you post again Active 8?


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 I think it is a cased of crossed wires, the tone of the original post may have given the impression that the financial problem was of a more serious nature and likely to be considerably more protracted.

Many British people dislike this type of scenario (which lets face it is hardly unheard of )- they don't want to all be tarred with the same brush as someone who has bitten off more they can chew finacially, especially to the detriment of a French artisan. Its difficult enough to find good reliable workmen without the dice being loaded against the client through no fault of their own.

I daresay forum members were too polite, or afraid of being accused of gloating or somesuch,  to ask for further details of the OPs situation and he was understandably economic with the details, that lead to a misunderstanding and some people were harsher than might have been had they known the facts, thats all.

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Sorry Gay, I really dont understand British people moving to France and worrying about being tarred with the same brush as their fellow Brits.  Do the French consider you all to be football hooligans too?  As far as I can see the guy asked for help and if he came financially unstuck what business is that of anybody else?
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 I think it can just be human nature, it comes under the same heading as all Brits are rich, are scroungers, are buying all the houses, wear socks and sandals or Panama hats etc. Just like the Welsh can all sing, are mean etc

Hey - what do you mean 'you to be' - I said British, not English ! [;-)][;-)]

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You are quite right Gay.  People will always generalise.  But as I said, why do people move to France then sit there worrying that they will be pigeonholed as a typical Brit?  That seems like hell on earth to me, like walking on eggshells all the time.

In face to face life people take you for what you are don't they?

You forgot the other generalisation of the Welsh

"Taffy was a Welsman, Taffy was a thief, Taffy came to my house and stole a bit of beef" Rostbif, I presume.[:)]


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I think A8 was/is winding us up. There were a couple of posts which jumped to conclusions but there were also some that offered help but A8 didn't respond. The posts then went a bit off topic and nearly a week later A8 returns, moaning about the lack of help offered.

I bet we never hear from A8 again 

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I must admit I've followed this and my instincts were always screaming about the the original post, something just didn't add up and still doesn't. The financial discrepancy amounts to a few weeks that's all, the truth and the proof to the builders would have assuaged (sp?) the situation immediatlely....hmmm me smells a bit of a rat, or is it a Welsman who didn't shower recently?


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Sorry active8 to hijack the thread but going back to the earlier argument as to whether a SIRET number must be on publicity material I'm just going to quote from our letter from the Chambre de Metiers (apologises for lack of accents):

quote/ Le numero SIRET mentionne sur votre carte doit imperativement figurer sur les documents diffuses par votre entreprise (lettres, bons de commande, devis, factures, publicite, etc......). /unquote

I've always assumed that websites count as publicite.
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As usual, no sympathy on the Forum; its appears that Brits who move to France suddenly become very smug and take pleasure in using terms like "naive", "well, you wouldn't do that in England would you?" "Welcome to France" etc. etc. - unexpected things happen in life wherever you live; no need for people to get all righteous and "preaching" - maybe these people's lives run so perfectly that they have no time for others "mistakes" or miscalculations.  Obviously if your builders are good and reliable then I do feel for them (they must be a rarity) - personally I think they will appreciate your honesty and as someone pointed out, maybe they will have other work they can bring forward (in any case, I doubt they will be working at all next month so maybe they can take an early holiday - something the French do very well).  In general though I have no sympathy for French builders; we have had nothing but trouble from ours and everyone associated with the building process.


We signed a contract but have been kept waiting for a start date for over a year - still we are no nearer to starting and now the August holidays loom once again; we wait 4-5 weeks at a time for a simple answer to a question (if one arrives at all).  So, what gives them the right to complain when the money isn't paid immediately, we certainly won't be paying a penny more to ours until some work is actually done.   I'd like to give them a taste of their own medicine - promise to pay their bills and then make them wait a few weeks, come up with a whole barrow load of excuses - maybe they will then appreciate what it is like to be on the receiving end.  Our builders have won a series of national awards so god knows what the rest of them are like.
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Our builders were brilliant - absolutely faultless.  Carpenter-roofer, mason, electricians, plumbers, menuisiers all.  

The architect overseeing the project kept it almost on schedule - we ran one week over the 11-week schedule due to snow in early March 2005.  That was for gutting the top floor, 5 new lucarne windows made to exactly match the existing windows, building 3 bedrooms and bathrooms from scratch, new downpipes and mods to the roof and a couple of little staircases. 

[IMG]http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i26/cassiscassis/house/PICT0004-2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i26/cassiscassis/house/PICT0019-1.jpg[/IMG]

[IMG]http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i26/cassiscassis/house/PICT0031.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i26/cassiscassis/house/PICT0033.jpg[/IMG]

Luck of the draw, Bevvy!
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