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Looking to purchase

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We are currently contemplating purchasing a home in the Herault district of the Languedoc. One house in particular takes our fancy a Maison de Maitre in a village. The home was the former home of the Notaire.

Would it be too cheeky to ask for a reduction in Notaire fees as in theory or even practice I will eventualy paying the price plus the fees to the same person? Is this ethical or does another Notaire have to perform the duties and sale etc?

Best wishes


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I believe that Notaire's fees are fixed by the State and are not negotiable.  However I'm not sure I would be too happy for current owner (I assume the Notaire) to be the Notaire undertaking the transaction - even if Notaires are supposed to be independent and acting fairly for both sides.  Sounds too much like a conflict of interest.  FYI you can appoint your "own" Notaire (although they too will be independent) and the fixed fees will be shared (so it should not cost you any more).


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Notaires can offer reduced fees, and although the percentage which goes on taxes is rather less than the 99% suggested above, the majority of what you pay (just over two thirds on a typical 100,000€ transaction) is tax so there is not a great scope for adjustment. If the notaire is also the selling agent then he will charge 2.5% plus TVA commission, which can also be negotiated downwards. The government scales are maximum figures.
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