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Aga Repair Info needed


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I have an Aga type stove which is in need of repair. To be exact it is a Poele Nanquette made in the Aisne.

The wall between the area for the coal and the area for cooking has expanded and now has a hole in it. It is too big for the sort of filler that is normally used on this type of equipment so I presume it needs a replacement firebrick. Anyone know about repairing these beasts?

I havent had any luck on the web finding what I want especially as I dont really know what to search for.

Does anyone know of an Aga repair shop in the Centre of France (or failing that a bit further afield)?

It is such a nice stove that I would like to get it working again but even as a piece of kitchen furniture I can assure you it wont be thrown out.

Any info on Poele Nanquettes would also be welcome!


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Hi redmike,

I was enquiring about buying an Aga in France on Ebay a few months ago, and was put onto this guy, who was very helpful in providing information and giving a quote for relocating the Aga.  Fortunately did not go ahead as a result of his advice.  Try giving him a call/email.


ETS  PAUL GEE http://www.paul-gee.com
cuisinières/chaudières en fonte émaillé                               AGA-RAYBURN
poêles à bois et poêles à granulés                                        CLEARVIEW
chauffage central et énergie solaire


TEL +33 (0)5 62 68 12 48 FAX: +33 (0)5 62 68 17 55



Good luck - Jaysea
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