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Finishing off a Project?


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We are just coming to the end of our project (renovation/extension). After our snagging list has been attended to, what do we need to do? Give notice to the Mairie/Comune? Meet one more time with our Project Manager on the site? We have never seen the Planning Permission. Do we need to get this from our Project Manager, also what about the 10 year guarantee?


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[quote user="Monika"]

We are just coming to the end of our project (renovation/extension). After our snagging list has been attended to, what do we need to do? Give notice to the Mairie/Comune? Meet one more time with our Project Manager on the site? We have never seen the Planning Permission. Do we need to get this from our Project Manager, also what about the 10 year guarantee?



You will need to complete (if you havn't already done so) a form H1 - this will cause the local taxes to be re-assessed. The guarantees (insurance) are the responsibility of the Artisans. Insist that the Project Manager sorts this out (you should have been given sight of them before the work commenced). The permis de constuire is a formality but you should file the original.

If your PM is worth his salt, he will insist on you checking the snagging list - and then signing off on the work.


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You don't need to ask for a form H1.

When you start work on the project you submit the declaration "ouverture du chantier". Once work is ended  you submit the form notifying completion which will automatically provoke an H1! There is a set period in which you must submit the form.


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Nick can confirm or refute this, but I have a vague recollection that at the end of the work you have to send off a form to whoever issued the permis de construire (this form came with the letter confirming permission) to say the work has been completed.  It is similar to a form that has to go off when the work starts.  Subsequently I seem to recall a one-off payment to the CAUE and some other body.  This is apart from the H1.

I see BJSLIV got in first as I was typing!

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