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There is another system which is designed for a small area of land, which is much more expensive. Could this be it.?  By the way I once got in touch with one firm who supplies these and now have lost the info. If anyone knows who they are I would be grateful if you would post the details. Pat.

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The compact fosse system is EPARCO, be warned, you should confirm with your local Syndicat Dea Eau before buying one of these systems, as you are only allowed ( certainly here in 17 ) to install one if the ground drainage is in adequate for a normal installation, they are also expensive.

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My House is not that far from you and I had a new fosse six or seven years ago and it was about 5000 euros, I  used a chap called Mr Jossan who still lives in Bujualeuf which is near Eymoutiers.I got his name from our Marie.He did an excellent job and was very reliable.I know he is very busy and I think its about 45mins to your neck of the woods so am not sure if he would be prepared to travel.Good Luck.
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We've had a report commissioned by our builder about 18 months ago which came back saying we had a clay subsoil so would need a raised bed of 7x7m, 1m high. We were horrified and didn't even bother getting a quote for this as we positively do not want it (we do have the land, albeit only 3000 sqm). A new house has just been built on the other side of the field we are in (on the edge of a hamlet) about 100m max away (house to house distances) and they do not have any sort of raised bed. There is no mains sewage in the hamlet, so they couldn't be connected to this - what's happened? Was our builder trying to get the max possible from us? What are our options? Does anyone have this type of fosse, if so, what sort of costs are involved (just in case we have no options) and how does it look?

We're slowly renovating the property and have ignored the fosse for the moment (having a portapotti instead for when we're there!). Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Devon & 27
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[quote user="Ewa"]We've had a report commissioned by our builder about 18 months ago which came back saying we had a clay subsoil so would need a raised bed of 7x7m, 1m high. There is no mains sewage in the hamlet, so they couldn't be connected to this - what's happened? Was our builder trying to get the max possible from us? What are our options? Does anyone have this type of fosse, if so, what sort of costs are involved (just in case we have no options) and how does it look? [/quote]

Others here will no more than me on this subject, but what I will tell you is, there are many options available, and you should contact your local Syndicat des Eau, pay the one off fee of approx 175 € and they will come out do a soil test and recommend a suitable system, the fee covers multiple visits and will be money well spent.

My only reservation would be that your builder should have already done that? So maybe prudent to check with him first.

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just going through this process.  we paid the 178 euros fee to the syndicat des eaux and the chap has been out to survey the land.  we will be requiring a pump as we need to put the fosse towards the rear of our property where the land rises up a bit

have not yet had estimates as we are awaiting the fosse man to come up with a scheme so don't know exactly how much it will cost.  we have budgeted 6000 to 7000 euros for the work

we have sandy porous well-drained soil but we might need longer drains on account of distances.  will keep you posted if you like.  email me privately and i will keep your address on my system so that i can fill you in (no pun intended) when they give us a price and come to dig up our land for the works .

all the best

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Thanks TJ - we've done that (about 18 months ago) and have put it to one side as we were horrified at this huge bunker they were proposing. Can we appeal/object? We have the report in our possession but I didn't realise the fee covered multiple visits!.

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[quote user="Ewa"]Can we appeal/object? We have the report in our possession but I didn't realise the fee covered multiple visits!. Ewa[/quote]

I don't think you can object as such, but I dont see the harm in speaking with them and ask if there are any alternatives to what they propose.

On a visit to their office I was told the fee covers any required visits.

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[quote user="Ewa"]Can we appeal/object? We have the report in our possession but I didn't realise the fee covered multiple visits!. Ewa[/quote]

I don't think you can object as such, but I dont see the harm in speaking with them and ask if there are any alternatives to what they propose.

On a visit to their office I was told the fee covers any required visits.

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