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Rebates on woodburner???


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We also heard that it was possible to receive a tax rebate on the so-called 'green' woodburner.  indeed it actually had a label attached to it saying this.  However, at the end of last may when we went to the Tax Office to take in our tax form and ask a few questions we were told that despite having had the woodburner installed by a qualified artisan - we had the invoices for the woodburner and from the plumber - we could not claim because the installation had not been performed by the company we had purchased it from!!!  When  i pointed out that Castorama do not do installations  i was treated to the Gallic shrug!!  i'm sorry but i cannot see a logical explanation for that procedure!!  Please excuse using small letters where there should be capitals but my pc seems to be having a bit of a hissyfit this afternoon.

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You need to purchase and have the woodburner installed by a qualified/approved/registered artisan. The "buy it in a brico" aspect has been discussed on the forums many times.

The tax rebate is on the cost of the wood burner only, not including installation nor accessories (i.e. chimney liner tube, etc. is NOT included). You do not have to pay tax to get the rebate but you must be filling in a French income tax return. How much French tax you pay will clearly depend on you income and circumstances (allowances, etc.). If, after the rebate your income tax bill becomes negative (i.e. they owe you money) you will be paid. If you are not a French "tax payer" (i.e. not filling in a French tax return) then you cannot get a refund/rebate - you just have to pay the price. I suppose effectively the French government are helping French residents (not holiday home owners, visitors, etc.)

When I got mine I was told the rebate was 40% of the cost of the wood burner - but the paperwork then says 50% so I will have to wait until next year to see what I get.

The rebate is submitted with the tax return for the year the woodburner was fitted/invoiced. Thus there will be something of a delay between paying the full invoice price and getting the rebate.

blosson34 - it is impossible to guess at your circumstances as you give no indication as to where you live (France, UK, US, etc.). If you are resident in France then you should probably be submitting a French income tax return - even if your income is below the level where you will be liable to actually pay anything.

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I received a rebate this year for a wood-burner supplied and installed by the same company just before Christmas 2005. My rebate was 40% for last year - but it has gone up to 50% this year.
My husband works in the UK and pays UK tax and NI, but we also fill out a French tax return. I was told by two people at the tax office counter that because we don't pay tax in France that we wouldn't be eligable for a  rebate, but asked politely that they check with someone else as that didn't seem right to me. The 'chef' then came out and said that I was right - If we didn't pay tax, then we would receive a cheque for the amount, which we did, about a month ago!


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As above you have to be a French "tax payer" (i.e. filling in a French income tax return - you don't need to have enough income to actually need to pay them money). If you fill in a French income tax return, have the appropriate paperwork from your installer (who supplied and installed), you submit the paperwork with your next tax return (March'ish 2007 ?)

chrisbooth, are you a French resident and do you thus fill in a French income tax return ?

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[quote user="Rozmum"]

We also heard that it was possible to receive a tax rebate on the so-called 'green' woodburner.  indeed it actually had a label attached to it saying this.  However, at the end of last may when we went to the Tax Office to take in our tax form and ask a few questions we were told that despite having had the woodburner installed by a qualified artisan - we had the invoices for the woodburner and from the plumber - we could not claim because the installation had not been performed by the company we had purchased it from!!!  When  i pointed out that Castorama do not do installations  i was treated to the Gallic shrug!!  i'm sorry but i cannot see a logical explanation for that procedure!!  Please excuse using small letters where there should be capitals but my pc seems to be having a bit of a hissyfit this afternoon.


I would go back and ask this guy for the number of the Décret, arreté or circulaire that specifically states that it has to be supplied and fitted by the same company - I can only find a statement saying that it has to be professionally fitted.


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I suppose that given all the explaining and and references to identification of the work involved, they are by implication refering to a bill from an artisan. All this despite the fact that there is no rebate on the labour!

It all fits with the policy of discouarging "travail noir" I suppose it would appear hors norme as you would be paying VAT at 19.6% rather than 5.5%

Best of luck trying to argue your case.



5 B-26-05

61.           Présentation des factures. Le crédit d'impôt est accordé sur présentation des factures des entreprises qui doivent comporter, outre les mentions obligatoires prévues, par application de l’article 289 du code général des impôts, à l'article 242 nonies A de l'annexe II au même code :

- l'adresse de réalisation des travaux ;

- la nature des travaux. En cas de travaux de natures différentes réalisés par la même entreprise, la facture ou l’attestation, selon le cas, doit comporter le détail précis et chiffré des différentes catégories de travaux effectués permettant d'individualiser d'une part, les équipements ouvrant droit au crédit d'impôt, d'autre part, ceux exclus du champ de cet avantage fiscal. En outre, à la demande des services fiscaux, les contribuables doivent fournir tout document permettant d'apprécier la nature et la consistance des travaux exécutés ;

- la désignation et le prix unitaire des équipements, matériaux ou appareils éligibles ;



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Perhaps this explains it, Les L  For this particular claim:

"vous devez avoir une seule facture faite par l'artisan qui a vendu et installé l' équipement de chauffage
vous devez déclarer le  prix TTC mais le coût de la main d'oeuvre est exclu

In other words the artisan buys it and installs it, not you.  This is also the normal method of qualifyiing for the reduced rate of TVA.

That message above is from the French SW tax office advice line. We claimed and followed the advice given  and got about 700€ knocked of our tax bill, which was a lot more than 50% of the cost.[:D]

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