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Weird Hidden Faults when buying a house!


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I totally agree with you John I wouldnt want a dishwasher or a micro wave what a waste of water and electricity(come on guys washing a few dishes is hardly a hard job) (plus it cleans gardeners nails[+o(]) Also when our hoover breaks down we shant be getting a new one, we have wooden and stone floors so a brush does a good enough job for me. Bet my electric bills are cheaper than yours[:P]  
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[quote user="Pads"]I totally agree with you John I wouldnt want a dishwasher or a micro wave what a waste of water and electricity[:P]  [/quote]

Are you sure Pads? 

Washing dishes was the only kitchen activity I quite liked but living in the south, I’ve become even more conscious of water consumption, hence looked into this last year.

I had always rejected dishwashers because, like you, I thought that they were unecological. Having looked into it, I had  my first ever dishwasher installed last year. They are - the AAA models particularly - more ecological in terms of water usage and my brief experience very much bears this out. I had to prove these claims for myself. Washing dishes by hand leads to a lot of water wastage and those living in southern France have to be more careful than most.

 Re use of electricity, just make sure you use the machines (washing machine too) during the ‘heures creuses’ to save money. My electricity bills are very low.

Oh, my weird hidden fault was a tenant from the previous owner who refused to honour her word and leave. Ok, she wasn’t really hidden just her malicious intentions were. Does that count?


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[quote user="Pads"]I totally agree with you John I wouldnt want a dishwasher or a micro wave what a waste of water and electricity(come on guys washing a few dishes is hardly a hard job) (plus it cleans gardeners nails[+o(]) [:P]  [/quote]

Depends how many you're washing up for!  There are five of us but we usually travel with my brother's family which takes us up to nine.  Add to that the fact that when we visit we often have the neighbours (and their (extended) family - mum, father-in-law etc) over for dinner we can often have 14 sitting down to eat!  I cooked for 14 at least twice over the Christmas week - and will be cooking for similar numbers at Easter.  Its bad enough feeding an army but I draw the line at washing up after them!


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I find it hard to believe a dish washing machine takes less water, but I bow to your knowledge never having used one, but i can still use the water after i have finished washing the dishes, for dog bowls and dirty flower pots, then i can rinse the floor cloth to to clean around the back door where the dogs have been in and out, after all of that I chuck the dirty water out on the lawn in the summer and the birds come to eat all the little food bits, you cant get more uses for a bowl of water than that[;-)] and I havnt used any electricity, as my hot water is made from the back boiler of my aga. Also the cost of buying the machine and where is it going to go when its broken and you get a new one?   
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Appartently Pads, some of the new ones use less than it takes to make a cup of tea and the way our old one is going, the one that came with the house, is down the tip on Monday. That is if we can lift the blasted thing into the car, 'cause it's heavy!!! By the way, you should have a close look at the CHEMICALS that go into washing the crocks and rinsing them in a machine? the same lines you should have a close look at the things that you hand wash crocks with too. A little 'fairy' has a lot of naughties in it so I am told. We only use Bio washingup stuff and even then it is rinsed in clean water afterwards. I know that only the good die young, but I want to edge my bets on the bad living for ever!!

Most, not all of our washing up, waiting for the hot to appear and any other that we can, goes onto the garden too... As has been said it is not too common to get very wet here. Most of our water comes from your neck of the woods Pads!! You seem to get the rain and we get te water...[8-|].

It is supposed to be getting bruddy cold here early next week Pads, so don't feel tooooo bad about not being here. It will get warm again for April though!! I just hope that the end of next week isn't too cold for my trip back on a pèniche from Narbonne!![:-))]

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There are no faries in my kitchen.............I to use the eco stuff wouldnt want to poison the birdies[:)]

Whats a Peniche? and why are you coming back from Nabonne on one????[8-)]

I have booked the sun for end of April so it will be warm...............it will be[:@]

Looks like I will be driving from Toulouse as the cars already been booked, bricking it a little but , I have to do it some time I guess[8-)] Just make sure your off the road that day[:D] 


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[quote user="Pads"]

There are no faries in my kitchen.............I to use the eco stuff wouldnt want to poison the birdies[:)]

Whats a Peniche? and why are you coming back from Nabonne on one????[8-)]

I have booked the sun for end of April so it will be warm...............it will be[:@]

Looks like I will be driving from Toulouse as the cars already been booked, bricking it a little but , I have to do it some time I guess[8-)] Just make sure your off the road that day[:D] 



pads, i have seen his peniche!  it is quite a work of art.  if you asked him nicely, he might show it you too

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Hi Pads, sorry that this is off track, but hve a look at www.penichelodela.com . It will explain all.

Back on track ... I had to go up in our loft to do some plumbing (I hate plumbing) and while I was up there I had a look at the extractor fan box, the type that is fitted in all French houses that I have seen. It draws damp air out of the bathroom, loo and kitchen and dumps it outside. Well this was piped into the vents in the b/room and loo, but just chucked the damp air out into the loft! Not now though.. I put a 4 inch hole in the wall and it's now piped outside where it should be.

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