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Be aware that times are presently pretty hard for immobiliers.................

I have friends that recently had a property valued by 6 agents, 5 said 220,000 one said only 90,000.............Was that one agent gagging for a very quick sale we wonder and therefore some monies in their pocket rapido.

Using your own discretion and selling privately can be a good choice. Plus, the price without agency fees should be a lot more appealing to prospective buyers.

Remember when looking around for comparable pricing that almost all immobiliers and internet agents advertised property prices include their commissions, therefore, allow for some reduction off of your own for sale price privately to be more attractive.

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To second Dick's post, if you want a valuation from an agent, but don't want to put your house up for sale with them, they will charge you in exactly the same way as they would charge for a valuation for inheritance purposes.

Prices vary, but you could expect to pay around 100 euros.

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[quote user="Athene"]Shame there is not a site where people could put on property to sell and then buyers could contact the sellers directly![/quote]


There is this also this website I found very easily, http://www.frenchhouserestoration.co.uk/

very highly ranked on Google, Yahoo, MSN etc etc which is one of the most important factors when selling on the internet, aswell a a nice looking site.

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We are reluctantly having to move back to the UK this year and so put both our houses on the market with various agents.  We also advertised them privately on the French Property News website (the advert runs for 6 months for a one-off payment of less than £70 - excellent value for money).  The agents have proved to be a complete waste of space - not heard a peep out of them.  But my own ads have brought in loads of response.  I sold one house within the first couple of months and have had lots of interest in the other. The added benefit for the purchaser is that they don't have to pay the enormous agency fees (anything between 6% and 10%) which is daylight robbery as, in my experience, they do absolutley nothing to earn it.


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  • 2 weeks later...

How do you choose the right agents?

Most around here show the same level of service. I have gone with 7 agents which seemed to give us a reasonable degree of exposure in our 'extended' area. There are similarities (e,g, no written valuations) and some differences in the level of knowledge that each agent has, which seems to depend on whether that particular agent put the property on the books or not.  Some have brought several people to view, one has brought none. I could have gone to another six immos, I suppose but that would mean advertising our property from further and further away. One agent actually sends a letter with client feedback.

Until there is a track record with each agent it is very difficult to get any true feel for the quality of each agent.


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If you have a bit of land, smallholding size, another idea is to advertise on one of the british smallholders websites.  Or in the magazines. The prices of such properties are sky high in UK and I've noticed the french ones seem to go quickly. Try ACountryLife  for example . Pat.

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There seems to be some confusion about the use of the word 'valuation' in this thread. An estate agent can only provide an estimate (in French estimation) which is no more than a rough idea of what he/she thinks a property may fetch on the market. If you require a formal valuation - for example in cases of probate, dispute along family members - you need the services of a qualified expert immobilier.

Peter-Danton de Rouffignac

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