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Our first soir'ee into the market place.

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[quote user="Llantony"]

But then you got 'it's' wrong.   it's = it is.   Should be 'its' for possessive.


Did it not occur to you that it was a typo?  Did you not notice the emoticon icon I used which indicated the light-hearted (as opposed to picky or critical) nature of the comment?

If I was the kind of person who ever corrected peoples spelling or grammar, I would be able to understand your strange 'grab' of my small mistake. As it is, I'm surprised, and irritated by what you have done.

I still think soiree was the wrong word, by the way.

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Absolutely the wrong word.


1.a quick raid, usually for the purpose of taking plunder: Vikings made a foray on the port.

2.a quick, sudden attack: The defenders made a foray outside the walls.

3.an initial venture: a successful foray into politics.

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I really must apologise to all the PC and obvious exponents of the English language (ancient and modern) that seem to frequent this forum.

What ho.! In reality me and the missus nipped over the flannel and took a butchers at the gaffs and drums 'round the Sarf o' France.  We met up with a few fig and date agents and soon discovered it wasnt the quality but the width they were more interested in flogging. So we intend to shoot back over in a little while and hopefully find our dream gaff without the added encumberance of an imobile imobllier. He aint heavy hes an imo.

Fanks a bunch 

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Just a few quick suggestions - try downloading Google Earth to help see what an area is very generally like before you travel. Mappy.com is great for spotting if a given address is actually near a big road. I found agents never listened to me either. Try having a look on paruvendu.fr - it's where a lot of private sellers in france put their ads. 
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may i ask what exactly it is that you are drinking?  whatever it is, i suggest that maybe you have had a glass or two too many!  i can only work out SOME of what you are saying and i know I haven't been drinking this evening

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The problems with Immos is - they never give an address!  e.g. near Jarnac- 30 odd kms away, as we discovered

It's to stop (or so we were told) buyers going direct to the seller & by-passing the Immo, therefore losing them their commission.

edit - having just read the previous post (which appeared after I started typing) - I have been drinking!! [:D]

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Bobh, I'm not bothered about the accents, but in some ways changing the 'title' of this made it worse.

You saw that everyone was in agreement that the word you wanted wasn't soiree, it means an evening out, a pleasant evening, that sort of thing and nothing to do with house/region hunting. Sounds to me like you should have said sortie, which would mean recce, a mosey round. There is a whole language to learn, and a suggestion, when people are telling you you have it wrong, maybe you should listen, otherwise it is going to be very hard.

Can you just see the scene in England, you say to your friends, 'I'm going off to France for a pleasant evening out' 'What are you going to do' they ask. You reply 'house hunting of course'. Add Renee's voice to that and the reproachful you stupid person or some such thing as you reply and it will do nicely.


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[quote user="Teamedup"]

Bobh, I'm not bothered about the accents, but in some ways changing the 'title' of this made it worse.

You saw that everyone was in agreement that the word you wanted wasn't soiree, it means an evening out, a pleasant evening, that sort of thing and nothing to do with house/region hunting. Sounds to me like you should have said sortie, which would mean recce, a mosey round. There is a whole language to learn, and a suggestion, when people are telling you you have it wrong, maybe you should listen, otherwise it is going to be very hard.

Can you just see the scene in England, you say to your friends, 'I'm going off to France for a pleasant evening out' 'What are you going to do' they ask. You reply 'house hunting of course'. Add Renee's voice to that and the reproachful you stupid person or some such thing as you reply and it will do nicely.




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[quote user="sweet 17"]


may i ask what exactly it is that you are drinking?  whatever it is, i suggest that maybe you have had a glass or two too many!  i can only work out SOME of what you are saying and i know I haven't been drinking this evening


Coming from the East end we do have our own peculiar and very colourful language cockney as indeed you probably do on the other side of he Severn Bridge. (I spent a number of years there and had difficulty with the language there too)

 I was trying to interject a little humour. Oviously that failed and brought out the nit pickers and language officianados.

For that I apologise profusely. So Sortie, reccy, insurgence anything but soirre would have done. It looks like it got some of you excited as well, watch that blood pressure!

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you made me laugh all right, don't worry!  at the risk of offending the welsh brigade, i am going to agree with you and say that i found language difficulties too when i first came over to wales.  also, everyone was so small, and dark (just like me!)

my OH is off to cardiff to watch the match and i have told him that he had better make the most of it because, after next month, he will have to go to toulouse to watch any rugby.  to which he replied, "well, i am going to cardiff  TO LOOSE"  i don't think he has much faith in the welsh side either, so that makes two of us!

cheers bob.  have a drop of whatever it is that you drink in the east end, mate.  i wouldn't know as i don't watch eastenders!

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Bobh, If you spoke really good french......... then why not try and inject a bit of humour.

When you don't, then why would you want to go down the road of not getting it right. Del boy may be funny on Only Fools, but in real life, nah, not really.  It is a very hard language to learn.

I'm not policing anyway. I just think it is plain old daft to not only mis-spell a word, but to get the wrong word to mis-spell in the first place. And remember you are coming to a country that takes it's language very very seriously, THEY have L’Académie française here, to police how the french should use their own language.

Just think, everytime you cross your threshold, you will have to speak french and listen to french.

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[quote user="Cat"]

5 points to the first person who can remind me what the original topic was [Www]


It was about buying a haut-de-gamme property in Languedoc. The subtext (or one of them) might be that property in Wanstead is worth loadsamoney (or so I am told).

How many points do I get Cat???[6]

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