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Terracotta Flue Outlet Cowls


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I am planning to get a  gas water heater fitted and the flue vented out through the roof.tiles . The Brico Depot  materials book shows along with the  flue pipe accesssories a  "Chapeau Inox ". Its an ugly thing that will look out of place on a new terracotta tiled roof. I have seen on some roofs a terracotta "Hat " (round conical roofed thing with vertical slots in the side) sitting on the tiles .....which I assume is a flue vent /cowl inserted into flue pipe ..? ......if so its got to be better than stainless steel . cant find one shown  on the net anywhere ....anybody know who sells them in France ..and if in fact what I am looking at on roofs is a water heater flue vent ?
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I am in the same position as you - installing a CH boiler. We wanted to fit the same type of thing - a tile with a built in cowl, but I was informed:

a) they aren't for boilers, they are for ventilation systems

b) they don't rise above the roof high enough to disperse the fumes properly

I believe you can get proper cowls to fit the terracotta blocks that aren't steel, I just haven't found one yet. Having said that, I haven't looked that hard yet either.


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Forgot to say - the ones I bought come in two pieces, the tile with a tube coming out of it and a fancy cap that fits on it. Make sure they fit together properly before you put them on the roof. On all of mine the fancy bit was very tight and the pipe part needed shaving down to get a good fit.
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Eventually we have our new roof. If it helps this query: For the ventilation outlets for the kitchen extractor fan and shower fan the roofers installed 2 "lanternes" (as they called them). Terracota lantern shaped things with vertical slots in the sides. Our roofers used mastic to properly hold the lanterne on to the the special tile with the hole and circular upstand. Otherwise it seemed to only be a simple push fit and a poor one at that. The diameter of the hole in ours is 140mm and I'm soon off to find a suitable pipe to connect to them.
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Thanks for the information everybody.......there  is a Point P in Lucon  (85) which is my nearest ....so will be paying them a visit...never knew it was there  I always  headed for Mr Bricolage . The "lantern " is exactly what I have seen on roofs . My house had been newly roofed before I bought it and the roofer was not local  so just cant pop round his yard .....I will be also searching for the matching tile with the hole in it as well.  
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