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Guarantees on building work


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Before anybody suggests I do a search, I have gone back to the beginning of '05 and can't find a specific answer - it may well be buried in a thread I haven't tracked down.

This morning my builder returned and finished the snagging on our new roof/windows etc. so I'm about to finally settle up with him and pay the amount I've been witholding for this purpose.  He is a properly registered and quailfied artisan and the work is great.  I know I get a 10 year guarantee on the work (he mentioned this himself anyway) but is it just automatic when I get the receipt?  Or should I expect some formal paperwork?  I just want to make sure I get everything I need when I pay him my final visit and write out the cheque.

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Ask him for a copy, I'd be interested to know if you get it.....if he told you he has one, then I am sure all is fine.

But, you really should ask to see tradesmens insurances and registration cards before you agree to anything.

Glad to hear you got everything finished though.

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Thanks all.  It's a long-established company and I knew from the architect that he was covered and then when I suggested we do a couple of bits for ourselves, he stressed at the time that he could not cover that under his insurance so I'm very happy all is legit.  I will let you all know what happens.  Thanks for the link too.

This is such a great feeling to know it's finished, I'm going to open some fizz now.[:D]

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We've asked several of our artisans for copies of their decennal. (sp?) Nowadays we ask at the "signing of the devis in blood" ritual but even when we've asked afterwards, there's no problem getting a copy. I must say, though, we've never received a copy without asking.

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