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Building - NHBC type guarentee

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Looking at buying a plot of land to build my own house. Have built 4 over the years in the north of scotland. All of which have been supervised by an architect, he used to visit once a month, and then the finished building was covered by his proffessional indemnity. Worked very well and is common in Scotland.

Estate agent tells me that this is not possible in France. How therefore do people get around this - legally - without getting a builder to do the work?

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I don't quite understand what you are asking. How do you get around what legally? If you employ a builder then he will give a guarentee on his work, if you want to build your own house then you must give yourself a guarentee on that work, but where does the legal aspect come into it? The UK NHBC would not do anything for you here in France.

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you say " without getting a builder to do the work"

Does this mean that you are doing all the work?

If so then it seems a bit strange to me. If I understand correctly, you seem to want some kind of guarantee on the work of the house. If you do the work yourself and are not a registered (house) builder then you cannot give a professional guarantee. As I understand it, the assurance dommage ouvrage is insurance taken out so that in the event of any problem/ fault in the construction, the insurance company ensures that the fault is rectified and chases up the person or company responsible so that you ( the owner) don't have to. This would be very strange in your situation.

You may well find that you cannot get the insurance or it is prohibitively expensive.

Maybe you're looking to offer a guarantee on the house construction to someone else if you sell it? If so I would be very careful before proceeding and seek more professional advice.


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