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Photographs of the tranchees?


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As part of our permis granted to build an extension and new fosse there was a clause which stated that the tranchees had to be inspected before they were closed up.  Our builders installed the fosse, trenches etc. in a day and then topped them up with soil without anyone coming out to check.  When I asked about the necessary inspection they showed me a camera and said that they had taken photos instead.  Has anyone come across this before? Thanks, Kate.
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my neighbour took photos and said his fosse passed inspection.   However, it is possible i guess that it varies from one inspector to another as to what they will accept.   Our inspector of fosses' (if thats what they are called !) is said to be of the reasonable variety; he was certainly good with us.  I am sure someone will be able to give you a more definitive response, but failing that your option is to check with your local fosse inspector (via Mairie).

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Thankyou Londoneye, useful to know that taking photos can be acceptable.  I wonder how one set of trenches is distinguishable from another, could be anywhere really couldn't it?  Should we be expecting anything in writing at the end of all this to say that all is OK, or is it better just to get on with using the facilities without stirring up too much fuss.
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yes, you should get a report in writing from the fosse inspector.   in our case the report went to the installer and we had to chase him down for a copy.    strangely i am led to understand that whilst you absolutely need a certificate, in reality if you dont have one it doesnt much matter.   however, i would personally contact your installer at the appropriate time and request the certificate (i am sorry i dont know exactly what it is called but if you really want to know i will have a look through the paper mountain (er i mean filing system!) in the corner of the room and try to find it), because if you decide to move on and sell, it is something the buyer would almost certainly like to see.
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Thanks again londoneye.  No, don't go spending time searching, it's bad enough when you really have to find something from the "filing system".  I will ask the builders for the certificate when it comes to making the final payment, though won't worry too much if I don't get it as I have learnt from experience that it's sometimes better not to bring things to everyone's notice, "crossing the i's and dotting the t's" can sometimes upset the applecart. As we're not planning on moving, famous last words, don't really want to chance anything being seen as not quite right before we get the benefits of using the new fosse.
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