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painting floor tiles


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I would like to paint our white bathroom floor tiles in another colour. We never wear outdoor shoes in the bathroom so there's minimal scraping/scuffing goes on. Can anyone recommend to me what products to use? I've heard you need to sand or scuff them before painting in an oil-based paint, but know no more than that. Help?

Thanks so much,


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Sharon, you don't say whether you have access to shops in Uk or are based in France, but I have used International Tile Paint with great success, you just have to be really careful to remove all traces of grease etc before you start and to use their own primer.

I used it approx 12 years ago in my bathroom, and with care, it is still looking good.
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[quote user="Jo"] you just have to be really careful to remove all traces of grease etc before you start and to use their own primer. I used it approx 12 years ago in my bathroom, and with care, it is still looking good.[/quote]

How do you remove all traces of grease (sorry if dumb question!) - what do you use?

Would "Lessive St.Marc" do the job? Something with ammonia? Vinegar?

I keep looking at my hideous bathroom tiles (the cheapest, 50's type) and wondering.... 

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I used sugar soap to clean the tiles, then wiped down with white spirit and let it dry before starting with the primer. It took ages but if you could have seen what I was covering up you'd have understood the determination!! The worst of the 70's!! ( at least you can call the 50's retro! ).

I did use it on part of the floor, not a high traffic area, and not around the loo, I have two lads, need I say more?! Sounds weird, but it does look nice. The only place it has been a problem is at the back of a shelf where it meets the wall and water pools there.
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