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Water heating options


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The water at my new house is heated by a small gas boiler on the kitchen wall.  It is old, it is rubbish and it needs replacing.  Would I be making a grave error of judgement to buy a poele with a back boiler, and stick solar panels to the roof, so that the poele heats the water in winter and the panels do so in summer?  Our water comes straight from a spring so it's effectively free, so with the solar option we'd theoretically get free hot water in the summer, unless I'm missing something rather obvious.

Also, I think I'll get 50% back on the purchase price of both the poele and the panels next tax year for being a good carbon neutralist, won't I?

I'm poele shopping this week, and I think there are only a handful of options available to me if I go down the aforementioned route, hence the question. 

Thank you! [:D]


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It really is good to be green and your ideas will probably work. However, I'd still install an electric heater "just in case" (you can't be bothered to light the fire, it snows in June, etc etc).

You will only get the tax rebate if you have all the work and supply done by an approriate Artisan (who gives you an appropriate receipt).

You could also consider geothermal water heating, which works (a friend installed it for about 2000€ and it reduces his water heating (electric) power requirements from about 2500W to 300W). Overall, I reckon it represents best value for money.


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Any links to that 2000€ geothermic water heaing system?  It sounds a really (really) good deal, all prices I've seen are up to x10 that amount.

I'm just in the design stages of a solar / back boiler set up - all DIY - and would seriously consider geathermal, but its the price.  I've even factor in buying a mini digger!


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