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Please just a simple request (well two really) what is the name for the tape that joins two placo/plaster boards (in our case in the bedroom ceiling together) the tape is currently coming adrift and I need to repaint.  I presume it is simplicity itself to replace and here please bear in mind that for this contributor a nail remains a problem.

Finally there is one part of the outside south facing wall that needs pointing.  I am informed that one should use mortar and not cement and is this correct advice please.

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[quote user="Llwyncelyn"]

Finally there is one part of the outside south facing wall that needs pointing.  I am informed that one should use mortar and not cement and is this correct advice please.


Can't help with the tape but for pointing/rendering we used a product called Tradifarge. It's mixed with sand, and is lime-based and therefore breathable.

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I thought the tape was normally covered with filler. Basically, the edges of the plasterboard taper to be a bit thinner. In this recessed area you put the tape and then fill over it so the result is you cannot see the join between the boards. I always thought the tape was there to help stop the filler cracking out with small movements.

I've just dome a load and have used the webbing slightly sticky tape rather than the paper band stuff (as it's easier to apply !!). However, once filled the tape is well hidden.

Sounds like I may be thinking of something different ?


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[quote user="Llwyncelyn"]

Finally there is one part of the outside south facing wall that needs pointing.  I am informed that one should use mortar and not cement and is this correct advice please.


To obtain the best match I suggest that you take a specimen along to yr local builders merchant who will have a colour chart. This will give the sand type and lime (chaux) ref number to achieve the desired result.

Happy pointing.



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