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200m2 Barn in good condition


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Hi All ,

I'm new to this fourn and wa wondering if anyone could give me any advice on approximate figures for a renovation of a barn that is 200m2 , it has a new roof and structure is sound (walls) . What sort of figures are we looking at to make this habitable ? dont want it to a luxury standard just to a normal standard. Any ideas ?

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Welcome (and don't ask daft questions!),

I have a piece of string that is ohh... about so long and another that is longer. If I tie the two together, how long will they be?

That apart, allow 1000€/sq metre, if you have someone do it all for you (I kid you not.....), If you intend doing it yourself, then allow 1000 years a square metre, or refer to my previous reply.


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Everytime I do the costings in detail I find that for the same quality a New Build is cheaper than a Barn Conversion. Two examples

If you are building when you reach a ground floor window you stop building the block .reinforce the corners continue upward, put a lintel in and carry on with the block work. For an existing barn you have to support above the proposed opening, slot in lintels from both sides, wait for them to go off , remove an amazing amount of stone then install a window.

When we built a kitchen dinning room in our lean to barn it was faster and produced a better result to lift every tile on the roof, take the opportunity to install a proper membrane and retile than to try and bodge the the new higher end to the roof. The lean to was originally about 4 metres longer and came down to 1.5 metres wall.

If you are going to convert a Barn in France do it because you love the location and the potential house not because you think it is a cheap way to an impressive house.

I think you are doing well for turnkey conversion at 1000 Euros a square metre.    

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Maybe in not so much detail as above, but we've costed the conversion of our barn into accommodation and whichever way we look at - even DIY for all the easy bits, it works out more cost efficient, i.e. cheaper, to just go and buy another small house. The trouble is we can't then transport it back to our garden. Our conversion plans are on-hold indefinitely.
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Refurbed 300 sq m from a ruin, new built 150 sqm. Nick's figures about right for refurb, new build 30% less. In your case, take everything of any value out of the barn, demolish and new build might well be the most cost effective way to go. Check with the DDE first that they will let you build anew on the old footprint.

Happy building


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Ha ha, nick!!!


Yep these figures are about correct, I costed out a full barn conversion in correze (250m2) and to do the lot myself would have been an 18 month labour of love and a budget of 100,000E excluding fittings. Had this been for a client that figure would be double.


Just finished one in Wales, 150 m2 £92,000 excluding VAT and fittings!!!


New build is cheaper, but i'd personaly sooner live in a tastefuly converted barn.



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"Nick's figures about right for refurb, new build 30% less"

Hang on, I'm sure everyone stated that €1500 a sqm was about right for a newbuild in a recent thread??

Or is that if you're paying a firm to do it? [8-)]

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