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hi .i have room of approx 20ft by 10ft .floor to ceiling 2.6 meters .can anybody give me a rough figure on how much it would cost to plaster including the ceiling? walls and ceiling placoplatre. many thanks for any information john
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So what would the finish (before the patch repairs) have been on the outside wall then?

Or perhaps it is wallpaper iover plaque de platre in which case I will just did this hole a bit deeper!

I have plastered walls in my house but do not know the cost per metre, it is very soft like plaster of paris.

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I would allow 2 days Labour, 1 for the ceiling & 1 for the walls. Assuming artisan @ 250E per day

Approx price 500 E plus mats; I'm no plasterer but I skimed my own with " Lutec 2000 " and  am really pleased with the results, not quite as mirror like finish that a good english plasterer would acheive but;;the french plaster does'nt seem to be as fine or trowel up quite as well as english finish.And, who wants perfect walls in a french house?

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"no one plasters in France"? Well, someone who calls himself a platier plastered part of my kitchen for me last year. I booked him because I had seen him plastering a complete house that was being renovated in the village. Not a sheet of plasterbord anywhere to be seen. Traditional 2 coats: a base onto the brickwork and then a top finish.

I can't help much with the cost estimate though as cannot be compared with your requirement. He charged me 150 euros to do one whole wall that I had stripped to the brickwork - about 12 feet by 8 feet - and to patch up some areas on the adjoining walls. He supplied everything. Seemed very good standard. But then anyone who can plaster seems a magician to me.

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 ok ..can I rephrase my reply ???

  the question was for plaster board walls ....  the french way for placo is to  just fill sand and ..............wall paper ..

 french plaster is .. gives a soft finnish marks easy etc... they use it to cover internal walls over lightweight blockwork etc .so you can get  them here ,sorry but just answered your question.

             the out side wall in pic is my own mix of 1 part cement 1 part lime 1 part fench plaster and 6 parts sand ,looks the same as crepi when painted only cheaper





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Just reread the original request, and yes he is quite clear "placoplatre" so yes, taping and jointing is the way.

I paid a platrier working on his days off, he gave me a "forfait" of 500 Euros, he worked very hard and spent 16 hours, the finish was superb.

It cost a lot but I have English friends that had a similar job done, not very well for 1900 Euros cash after getting devis for 2900 Euros.


It is difficult to compare areas but my bands were walls and ceilings (but not cloisons as I did them later) on a 40M2 floor area.

My work, despite me being proud of it  was not comparable to the proffesional and I had to do an awfull lot of filling and sanding before painting over my joints.

P.S. Dave, I like the way you have hidden the tableau.

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Hi.I have done a lot of  tape and jointing,and would guess that if there are no really difficult areas,and the boarding has been done to a reasonable standard, 2 days and €500 sounds about right for an artisan.Materials would possible only be around €100. on my walls,the joins are invisibe after paint,so it can,and should be done by an artisan[;-)].Accept nothing less.[:)] pogo

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