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Too small for fosse septique?


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What happens when you have a tiny house and tiny courtyard (20 sq m) and no connection available to mains drainage?  Is there an ultra expensive method of dealing with sewerage in  these cases or no method at all?

Portapottie springs to mind but I doubt this would conform to regs.

Merci d'avance.

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We were llowed to stay in our house with a porapotti until mains drainage goes in, four years ago they said it would probably be in 2 years time, so we're getting a bit fed up!

Other houses in the village drain into the storm drains, but thats not legal now, so we're stuck with the portable solution!!!

Note:  We were only allowed to stay in the house because we were fraudulently sold the property as being on mains drains.  Be careful what you do... the mairie has the right to condemn the house.


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I'm in the process of buying a little grange of 30ish m2 which has a new fosse on site but not installed.  I hadn't considered that the house could be too small for a fosse, and still don't understand how it could be!  Should I be concerned?!

Thanks [:)]


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ok it`s the area needed for a filter system thats the problem ,  you need an area of 6mtrs  x 4mtrs just for the  smallest virticle sand filter . there are other options but they get more expensive , best to have a word with the local S.P.A.N.C see what other systems the accept in your area.

     here is the size of a  SMALL sand filter  http://s83.photobucket.com/albums/j311/daveolive/?action=view&current=holeforfilter.jpg


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