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déclaration de travaux - work not complete (or started)


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Dear all,

We had approval of our ddt for a new Velux and replacement old window in April. We haven't started the work yet, and won't now until autumn. I have had a letter with a form H1 advising me that I have to compete it within 90 days of completion of the the work.

2 questions - one - do I write to the Centre Impots and advise work not completed yet?

two - does anyone know of a translation of H1 for when we do complete? I can't believe it will change our tax, but am a little concerned about what the state thought we had in our house . . . .

Thanks as ever!

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Been there, done, that...[:)]

As far as your first question is concerned, yes, you need to write to the Centre des Impots for your area of Manche.  There should be no problem about being given an extension to finish the work, but you will need to send the form back then. The forms are sent out automatically at a set time after the granting of the ddt or permis de contruire (2 years in the case of our permis) but they don't expect the work always to have been finished.

I'm afraid I don't know of a translation of H1 and filled ours in too long ago to remember much about it now.. My reading and writing of French is better than my spoken French, so I managed to get through the form with the aid of a good dictionary.


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From what I've been able to find out:

  • The H1 form is sent automatically by the tax office, as they are advised of any DdT or PdC by the DDE.
  • Just give them a call and say you have not started the works.
  • The 90 day limit applies at the end of the works, if the changes affect the habitable space.
  • If you put Velux windows, it will be assumed you have habitable space in the attic and your taxe d'habitation will increase, unless of course, they already know of existing habitable space.
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