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square footage - cellar

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When buying a house in france the details show the m2. Would this include a cellar? A friend is looking at a house where in the hallway the staircase going upwards also has a door under the staircase leading down to the cellar. Cellar has a dirt floor but is dry.

Thanks, Mrs KG
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Thanks for the replies. My friend is 6'3" and there is some space between him and the cellar's ceiling. It was built originally as a school in the 1850s and closed around 35 years ago. Not sure what the cellar was used for, no-one locally seems to know either but it's the best cellar I've ever seen - clean, dry in great condition. Probably best that he takes another visit with a tape measure!
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Cellars do make part of the superficie habitable (loi boutin), they will be counted by your insurer and les impôts for their calculations.


They do not make part of the superficie privative (Loi Carrez), estate agents should only advertise the latter figure but given the nature of the animal the former may often be used, when buying you should recieve an attestation of the verified net superficie privative.




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