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Rendering over old pointing


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I have finished pointing the outside of our large barn, but inside, downstairs, we just want to render the walls (can't face the pointing again just yet!).   A lot of the old pointing is cracked etc, and of course some is missing.   We intend to render with a chalk / sand mix.

Is it a really bad idea to render over this, after brushing it down, or should the old pointing (or to a certain depth anyway) be removed before rendering commences?    Could we (should we) seal the wall with something before rendering?  I hope this makes sense.

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In our renovation 'project' the previous owners has painted the kitchen a nice shade of blue (gloss) over the stone walls


We decided that this had to come off as we would like the traditional pointed stone look. However after removing a lot of the surface we could see the stones underneath were in not particularly nice to look at and pointing made not a lot of differance. There were just too many small stones in there


So we have now pointed the stones up to a reasonably flat finish using the usual chaux mix and then limewashed the whole surface giving us this


Do not try to seal the wall with anything, stone walls are meant to breath

Just remove the damged and loose pointing and a bit of the surface before going over it. We took off too much the first time and it takes an awful long time to put back[:)]

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Thanks - looks good; although I think I preferred the blue just a tiny bit (!) OMG where did they get that colour from, and who on earth would choose it in a dark house.

Anyway, former owners dodgy taste aside, bit of a daft question, but what did you use to limewash the walls after please?

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