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Woodburners etc - refunds


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I think you are a little confused here. You can get tax relief on certain items to improve your home like insulation, installing double glazing where necessary and economic heating systems via your tax return but you must be resident and have TVA french artisan invoices for the work carried out. Suggest you ask at the local mairie for your local HEOL, PACT ARIM etc offices locally and see them because it is not something that is given willy nilly and is means tested against your income or else everyone would be claiming for such things. Two elderly clients of ours have just had their drive concreted to the  level of their front door as they are disabled and this was then applied to their tax return this year for a reduction as I had to do extra paperwork for them to submit.
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Sorry Val but much of what you have posted is just not true.  You are right there is no refund as such, but Tax relief on a woodburner installation is not means tested at all nor do you have to ask at the Mairie for advice about it, you just stick it on your tax form and attach the bill.  If you do a tax return on line then you keep the bill for three years. Have a look at http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/868998/ShowPost.aspx

There was another much more detailed thread than this one but I cannot find it, but in this thread, SD tells you where to put the claim on the tax form.  What may catch the OP is that the date.  If it was installed in 2006 it has to be claimed in that tax year, so it is too late, however, if it has just been installed then it can be claimed for next year with the 2007 tax return 



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[quote user="Ron Avery"]

There was another much more detailed thread than this one but I cannot find it, but in this thread, SD tells you where to put the claim on the tax form.  What may catch the OP is that the date.  If it was installed in 2006 it has to be claimed in that tax year, so it is too late, however, if it has just been installed then it can be claimed for next year with the 2007 tax return [/quote]

The claim goes in section 7 WF of  the 2042 tax form. you fill in the cost of the poele minus the labour charges and The rebate is 40/50%.  We await ours with bated breath. 


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And for larger energie efficient projects such as solar/geothermic/aerothermic heating systems your department may give grants which are certainly not means tested either. (Grants of up to 1000 euros are available in Charente)

Pop into the Mairie in a large town (Mairies in tiny villages are not always up to date with info) and ask how to claim. This is on top of the tax credit.
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I didn't actually say the claim had to go in this year, I didn't even mention when it should go in just that it goes onthe tax return form. The driveway clients had their work done nearly two years ago anyway and only submitted their claim this year. The OP didn't really give much info to go on and actually afterwards I did wonder if he was talking about the lower rate of TVA etc.
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[quote user="zeb"]And for larger energie efficient projects such as solar/geothermic/aerothermic heating systems your department may give grants which are certainly not means tested either. (Grants of up to 1000 euros are available in Charente)

Pop into the Mairie in a large town (Mairies in tiny villages are not always up to date with info) and ask how to claim. This is on top of the tax credit.[/quote]

We installed a Chauffage reversible system last year in our house and were told by CENERGIE (the suppliers) that we would get a 50% refund of the cost of the equipment, we declared the 17,000Euros the cost of equioment less installtion and only received 25%. When we asked our tax office in Ruffec why this was, they told us that there was a ceiling of 8,000Euros and we were being paid 50% of that! Has any one else had this problem?

Ian Rough.

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[quote]Les montants (applicables à compter de l'imposition des revenus de l'année 2006)

 • Le crédit d'impôt est égal à 50 % du montant toutes taxes comprises des équipements mentionnés précédemment (NB : 40 % pour les travaux réalisés en 2005), à l’exception des équipements de raccordement à un réseau de chaleur pour lesquels le crédit d’impôt est de 25 %.

 • Pour une même résidence, le crédit d'impôt est calculé sur le prix d'acquisition des équipements, matériaux et appareils, dans la limite d'un plafond pluriannuel qui s'applique pour la période du 1er janvier 2005 au 31 décembre 2009 et pour l'ensemble des dépenses (y comprises celles concernant les équipements performants).

Ce plafond pluriannuel est fixé à :

  • 8 000 euros pour une personne célibataire, veuve ou divorcée ;
  • 16 000 euros pour un couple marié ou pacsé soumis à une imposition commune, majorés de : 400 euros par personne à charge (la somme de 400 euros est divisée par deux lorsqu'il s'agit d'un enfant réputé à charge égale de l'un et l'autre de ses parents).[/quote]
More details here: http://www.leparticulier.fr/vdq/impots/

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We are trying to arrange for a woodburning range to be installed and we were told by the installers that as the house is of a certain age , if it was our main residence, then we could have claimed back 50% of the cost.

It's not........so we can't!

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We are trying to arrange for a woodburning range to be installed and we were told by the installers that as the house is of a certain age , if it was our main residence, then we could have claimed back 50% of the cost.

It's not........so we can't!

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We installed a Chauffage reversible system last year in our house and

were told by CENERGIE (the suppliers) that we would get a 50% refund of

the cost of the equipment, we declared the 17,000Euros on our 2006 French Tax Return (the cost of

equipment less installtion) and only received 25%. When we asked our tax

office in Ruffec why this was, they told us that there was a ceiling of

8,000Euros and we were being paid 50% of that! Has any one else had

this problem?

Ian Rough.

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Yes Clair,

We bought The System in August 2006 but got married in France on 20th Oct 2006 so we had to submit two Tax returns and my accountant  declared it on my return and not the joint one, he has now 'washed his hands' of the subject, but as we bought the system in the year we got married I wonder if it could have been delcared on the joint return?


Ian Rough.

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